Your search yielded 248 results.


Title Type Author(s) Year
Artificial Intelligence, the spare time rebound effect and how the ECG would avoid it Journal Article Wolfgang Ertel
Integrated water resources management in the Caribbean in the Caribbean: The challenges facing Small Island Developing States Document Cashman et al.
Policy Brief: Pacific Islands Forge Ahead on National Environmental Action, Monitoring, and Reporting for Informed Decision Making Journal Article IISD's SDG Knowledge Hub
The Role of Green Infrastructure in Water, Energy and Food Security in Latin America and the Caribbean: Experiences, Opportunities and Challenges | Publications Webpage
Energy transition to decarbonize the energy system in Mauritius Journal Article Dinesh Surroop 2023
The resource (in)sufficiency of the Caribbean: analyzing socio-metabolic risks (SMR) of water, energy, and food Journal Article Martin del Campo et al. 2023
Analyzing Socio-Metabolic Vulnerability: Evidence from the Comoros Archipelago Journal Article Bahers et al. 2022
Artificial Intelligence Needs Environmental Ethics Journal Article Baum and Owe 2022
Assessing the environmental performance of ICT-based services: Does user behaviour make all the difference? Journal Article Pohl et al. 2022
Blockchain, climate damage, and death: Policy interventions to reduce the carbon emissions, mortality, and net-zero implications of non-fungible tokens and Bitcoin Journal Article Truby et al. 2022
Can Texas mitigate wind and solar curtailments by leveraging bitcoin mining? Journal Article Niaz et al. 2022
Decarbonisation of islands: A multi-criteria decision analysis platform and application Journal Article Barney et al. 2022
Decarbonization of the Galapagos Islands. Proposal to transform the energy system into 100% renewable by 2050 Journal Article Icaza-Alvarez et al. 2022
Digital Economy Sectors are Key Co 2 Transmission Centers in the Economic System Journal Article Wang et al. 2022
Digital sufficiency: conceptual considerations for ICTs on a finite planet Journal Article Santarius et al. 2022
Economic estimation of Bitcoin mining’s climate damages demonstrates closer resemblance to digital crude than digital gold Journal Article Jones et al. 2022
Energy Consumption and Bitcoin Market Journal Article Huynh et al. 2022
Impact of Industry 4.0 on corporate environmental sustainability: Comparing practitioners’ perceptions from China, Brazil and Germany Journal Article Beier et al. 2022
Mining Cryptocurrency-Based Security Using Renewable Energy as Source Journal Article Gundaboina et al. 2022
Our New Artificial Intelligence Infrastructure: Becoming Locked into an Unsustainable Future Journal Article Robbins and van Wynsberghe 2022
Preying on the poor? Opportunities and challenges for tackling the social and environmental threats of cryptocurrencies for vulnerable and low-income communities Journal Article Howson and de Vries 2022
Restructuring Island Tourism: Using the Socioeconomic Metabolism (SEM) and Multilevel Perspective (MLP) as Models for Transitioning to Sustainable Island Tourism Book Section Telesford et al. 2022
Sustainability implications of artificial intelligence in the chemical industry: A conceptual framework Journal Article Liao et al. 2022
Sustainability of the Water-Energy-Food Nexus in Caribbean Small Island Developing States Journal Article Winters et al. 2022
Techno-economic, and environmental evaluations of a novel cogeneration system based on solar energy and cryptocurrency mining Journal Article Nikzad and Mehregan 2022
The Environmental Sustainability of Digital Technologies: Stakeholder Practices and Perspectives Journal Article Samuel et al. 2022
The Role of Crypto Trading in the Economy, Renewable Energy Consumption and Ecological Degradation Journal Article Miśkiewicz et al. 2022
Towards a Circular Economy for African Islands: an Analysis of Existing Baselines and Strategies Journal Article Andriamahefazafy and Failler 2022
A Short Overview of Rebound Effects in Methods of Artificial Intelligence Journal Article Martina Willenbacher 2021
An Index of Cryptocurrency Environmental Attention (ICEA) Report Lucey et al. 2021
Approximate Learning and Fault-Tolerant Mapping for Energy-Efficient Neuromorphic Systems Journal Article Gebregirogis and Tahoori 2021
Best Practice Guidelines for the EU Code of Conduct on Data Centre Energy Efficiency Report Acton et al. 2021
Best practices for analyzing the direct energy use of blockchain technology systems: Review and policy recommendations Journal Article Lei et al. 2021
Bitcoin’s energy consumption and social costs in relation to its capacity as a settlement layer Report Ante and Fiedler 2021
Cryptocurrency Mining from an Economic and Environmental Perspective. Analysis of the Most and Least Sustainable Countries Journal Article Náñez Alonso et al. 2021
Does not compute: Avoiding pitfalls assessing the Internet's energy and carbon impacts Journal Article Koomey and Masanet 2021
From Bitcoin to carbon allowances: An asymmetric extreme risk spillover Journal Article Di Febo et al. 2021
How Large the Direct Rebound Effect for Residential Electricity Consumption When the Artificial Neural Network Takes on the Role? A Taiwan Case Study of Household Electricity Consumption Journal Article Adha and Hong 2021
Investigating the Inconsistencies among Energy and Energy Intensity Estimates of the Internet: Metrics and Harmonizing Values Report Vlad Coroamă 2021
Machine Learning for Sustainable Energy Systems Journal Article Donti and Kolter 2021
Policy assessments for the carbon emission flows and sustainability of Bitcoin blockchain operation in China Journal Article Jiang et al. 2021
Proof-of-work based blockchain technology and Anthropocene: An undermined situation? Journal Article Christophe Schinckus 2021
The Economic and Environmental Impact of Bitcoin Journal Article Badea and Mungiu-Pupӑzan 2021
The Environmental and Resource Dimensions of Automated Transport: A Nexus for Enabling Vehicle Automation to Support Sustainable Urban Mobility Journal Article Nikitas et al. 2021
The sociometabolic transition of a small Greek island: Assessing stock dynamics, resource flows, and material circularity from 1929 to 2019 Journal Article Noll et al. 2021
The true costs of digital currencies: Exploring impact beyond energy use Journal Article de Vries et al. 2021
Total Energy Model V2.0 for Connected Devices Report Ryan et al. 2021
“From local island energy to degrowth? Exploring democracy, self-sufficiency, and renewable energy production in Greece and Spain” Journal Article Tsagkari et al. 2021
A Brief Review of the IoT-Based Energy Management System in the Smart Industry Book Section Dash et al. 2020
A Review of Technical Standards for Smart Cities Journal Article Lai et al. 2020
A systematic review of factors influencing spatiotemporal variability in urban water and energy consumption Journal Article Voskamp et al. 2020
A systematic review of the energy and climate impacts of teleworking Journal Article Hook et al. 2020
An approach to minimize the energy consumption during blockchain transaction Journal Article Nair et al. 2020
An assessment of energy vulnerability in Small Island Developing States Journal Article Genave et al. 2020
Application and assessment of internet of things toward the sustainability of energy systems: Challenges and issues Journal Article Khatua et al. 2020
Artificial Intelligence and Climate Change Journal Article Amy Stein 2020
Artificial intelligence for sustainability: Challenges, opportunities, and a research agenda Journal Article Nishant et al. 2020
Artificial neural networks for sustainable development: A critical review Journal Article Gue et al. 2020
Assessing the sustainable municipal solid waste (MSW) to electricity generation potentials in selected Pacific Small Island Developing States (PSIDS) Journal Article Joseph and Prasad 2020
Bitcoin-energy markets interrelationships - New evidence Journal Article Corbet et al. 2020
Bitcoin’s energy consumption is underestimated: A market dynamics approach Journal Article Alex de Vries 2020
Blockchain and Smart Contract for Peer-to-Peer Energy Trading Platform: Legal Obstacles and Regulatory Solutions Document Lee and Khan 2020
Blockchain for Internet of Energy management: Review, solutions, and challenges Journal Article Miglani et al. 2020
CARICOM NewsTime - 10 June 2020 Video Recording CARICOM 2020
Crypto-currencies trading and energy consumption Journal Article Schinckus et al. 2020
Cryptodamages: Monetary value estimates of the air pollution and human health impacts of cryptocurrency mining Journal Article Goodkind et al. 2020
Data-Driven Unsustainability? An Interdisciplinary Perspective on Governing the Environmental Impacts of a Data-Driven Society Report Lucivero et al. 2020
Decarbonizing the Galapagos Islands: Techno-Economic Perspectives for the Hybrid Renewable Mini-Grid Baltra–Santa Cruz Journal Article Eras-Almeida et al. 2020
Energy recovery from municipal solid waste in Mauritius: Opportunities and challenges Journal Article Neehaul et al. 2020
Environmental Sustainability of Digitalization in Manufacturing: A Review Journal Article Chen et al. 2020
Impact of Industry 4.0 on Environmental Sustainability Journal Article Oláh et al. 2020
Innovation in Isolation: Islands and the Energy Transition Journal Article Oscar Serpell 2020
Internet of Things (IoT) and the Energy Sector Journal Article Hossein Motlagh et al. 2020
Internet of Things (IoT): Opportunities, issues and challenges towards a smart and sustainable future Journal Article Nižetić et al. 2020
Internet of Things in Sustainable Energy Systems Book Section Salam and Salam 2020
IoT-enabled smart appliances under industry 4.0: A case study Journal Article Aheleroff et al. 2020
Isolated yet open: A metabolic analysis of Menorca Journal Article Marcos-Valls et al. 2020
Jamaica’s Updated NDC Incorporates Land-use Change and Forestry Sector | News | SDG Knowledge Hub | IISD Journal Article Beate Antonich 2020
Lifecycle modeling for the eco design of the Internet of Things Journal Article Quisbert-Trujillo et al. 2020
On-demand automotive fleet electrification can catalyze global transportation decarbonization and smart urban mobility Journal Article Bauer et al. 2020
Pathways to climate change mitigation and stable energy by 100% renewable for a small island: Jamaica as an example Journal Article Chen et al. 2020
Price and income elasticities of oil demand in Mauritius: An empirical analysis using cointegration method Journal Article Raghoo and Surroop 2020
Recalibrating global data center energy-use estimates Journal Article Masanet et al. 2020
Saint Lucia: National infrastructure assessment Report UNOPS and University of Oxford 2020
The Hawaiian Islands: Conceptualizing an Industrial Ecology Holarchic System Journal Article Chertow et al. 2020
The energy metabolism of countries: Energy efficiency and use in the period that followed the global financial crisis Journal Article Valeria Andreoni 2020
The “Metal-Energy-Construction Mineral” Nexus in the Island Metabolism: The Case of the Extractive Economy of New Caledonia Journal Article Bahers et al. 2020
Towards the Systematic Reporting of the Energy and Carbon Footprints of Machine Learning Document Henderson et al. 2020
Towards utilizing internet of things (IoT) devices for understanding individual occupants' energy usage of personal and shared appliances in office buildings Journal Article Rafsanjani and Ghahramani 2020
Water-energy-food security: A Nexus perspective of the current situation in Latin America and the Caribbean Journal Article Mahlknecht et al. 2020
Who co-opted our energy efficiency gains? A sociology of macro-level rebound effects and US car makers Journal Article R. Galvin 2020
A distributed Energy Resource Roadmap for Puerto Rico - Phase I Report Report Ronny Sandoval 2019
A multi-impact analysis of changing ICT consumption patterns for Sweden and the EU: Indirect rebound effects and evidence of decoupling Journal Article Joyce et al. 2019
A spatial analysis of material stock accumulation and demolition waste potential of buildings: A case study of Padua Journal Article Miatto et al. 2019
Characterizing the metabolic pattern of urban systems using MuSIASEM: The case of Barcelona Journal Article Pérez-Sánchez et al. 2019
Effects of on-demand ridesourcing on vehicle ownership, fuel consumption, vehicle miles traveled, and emissions per capita in U.S. States Journal Article Ward et al. 2019
Energy and policy considerations for deep learning in NLP Journal Article Strubell et al. 2019
Energy retrofit scenarios material flows and circularity Conference Paper Gobbo et al. 2019
Estimating the End-to-End Energy Consumption of Low-Bandwidth IoT Applications for WiFi Devices Conference Paper Guegan and Orgerie 2019
Exploring the Relationships Among Travel Multimodality, Driving Behavior, Use of Ridehailing and Energy Consumption Report Circella et al. 2019
Internet of Things Applications as Energy Internet in Smart Grids and Smart Environments Journal Article Kabalci et al. 2019
Internet of Things: Energy boon or bane? Journal Article Hittinger and Jaramillo 2019
Rate and Energy Efficiency Improvements for 5G-Based IoT With Simultaneous Transfer Journal Article Liu and Zhang 2019
Renewable Energy Will Not Solve Bitcoin’s Sustainability Problem Journal Article Alex de Vries 2019
Review and categorization of digital applications in the energy sector Journal Article Weigel and Fischedick 2019
Smart Hot Water Control with Learned Human Behavior for Minimal Energy Consumption Conference Paper Sonnekalb and Lucia 2019
Smart technologies for promotion of energy efficiency, utilization of sustainable resources and waste management Journal Article Nižetić et al. 2019
State of the Art of Machine Learning Models in Energy Systems, a Systematic Review Journal Article Mosavi et al. 2019
The carbon footprint of manufacturing digitalization: Critical literature review and future research agenda Journal Article Patsavellas and Salonitis 2019
The metabolism of U.S. cities 2.0 Journal Article Chini and Stillwell 2019
Unraveling customer sustainable consumption behaviors in sharing economy: A socio-economic approach based on social exchange theory Journal Article Wang et al. 2019
Utilizing coral waste and metakaolin to produce eco-friendly marine mortar: Hydration, mechanical properties and durability Journal Article Wang et al. 2019
2017 Energy Report Card - CARICOM Report 2018
A Heuristic-Based Smart HVAC Energy Management Scheme for University Buildings Journal Article Jindal et al. 2018
A blockchain-based smart grid: towards sustainable local energy markets Journal Article Mengelkamp et al. 2018
A cloud server energy consumption measurement system for heterogeneous cloud environments Journal Article Lin et al. 2018
A review on energy, environmental, and sustainability implications of connected and automated vehicles Journal Article Taiebat et al. 2018
A sustainable home energy prosumer-chain methodology with energy tags over the blockchain Journal Article Park et al. 2018
An Analysis of the Energy Consumption of LPWA-based IoT Devices Conference Paper Finnegan and Brown 2018
Application of Blockchain Technology in Sustainable Energy Systems: An Overview Journal Article Wu and Tran 2018
Assessing ICT global emissions footprint: Trends to 2040 & recommendations Journal Article Belkhir and Elmeligi 2018
Blockchain and smart metering towards sustainable prosumers Conference Paper Lazaroiu and Roscia 2018
Cyprus energy resources and their potential to increase sustainability Conference Paper Tsangas et al. 2018
Decarbonizing Bitcoin: Law and policy choices for reducing the energy consumption of Blockchain technologies and digital currencies Journal Article Jon Truby 2018
Enabling Sustainability and Energy Awareness in Schools Based on IoT and Real-World Data Journal Article Mylonas et al. 2018
Evaluating the energy consumption of mobile data transfer—from technology development to consumer behaviour and life cycle thinking Journal Article Pihkola et al. 2018
Geographies of renewable energy transition in the Caribbean: Reshaping the island energy metabolism Journal Article Harrison and Popke 2018
Greening Internet of Things for Smart Everythings with A Green-Environment Life: A Survey and Future Prospects Journal Article Alsamhi et al. 2018
Greening cloud data centers in an economical way by energy trading with power grid Journal Article Gu et al. 2018
How does information and communication technology affect China's energy intensity? A three-tier structural decomposition analysis Journal Article et al. 2018
IoT-enabled real-time energy efficiency optimisation method for energy-intensive manufacturing enterprises Journal Article Wang et al. 2018
Measuring the Water-Energy-Food Nexus: The Case of Latin America and the Caribbean Region Journal Article Mahlknecht and González-Bravo 2018
On the Scalability of Blockchain-Supported Local Energy Markets Conference Paper Blom and Farahmand 2018
Potential Impact of Blockchain Solutions on Energy Markets Conference Paper Hinterstocker et al. 2018
Rethinking energy demand governance: Exploring impact beyond ‘energy’ policy Journal Article Butler et al. 2018
Sustainability Learning Labs in Small Island Developing States: A Case Study of the Seychelles Journal Article Krütli et al. 2018
The IoT Energy Challenge: A Software Perspective Journal Article Georgiou et al. 2018
Time Rebound Effect in Households Energy Use: Theory and Evidence Report Mizobuchi and Yamagami 2018
Understanding the mechanism of urban material metabolism with ecological network analysis: An experimental study of Wuxi, China Journal Article Li et al. 2018
Urban energy systems within the transition to sustainable development. A research agenda for urban metabolism Journal Article Carreón] and Worrell 2018
Where do islands put their waste? – A material flow and carbon footprint analysis of municipal waste management in the Maltese Islands Journal Article Camilleri-Fenech et al. 2018
2017 Energy Report Card – The Bahamas Webpage 2017
An Urban Metabolism and Carbon Footprint Analysis of the Jing-Jin-Ji Regional Agglomeration Journal Article Zheng et al. 2017
Analysis of Urban Metabolism Cycles for a Sustainable and Competitive Tourist City. The Case of Miramar (Buenos Aires, Argentina) Conference Paper Testa et al. 2017
Between theory and quantification: An integrated analysis of metabolic patterns of informal urban settlements Journal Article Kovacic and Giampietro 2017
Blockchain applications in microgrids an overview of current projects and concepts Conference Paper Goranović et al. 2017
Blockchain in energy communities: A proof of concept Report Ioannis et al. 2017
Citizen utilities: The emerging power paradigm Journal Article Green and Newman 2017
Climate Change Agreement CCA) for Data Centres: Target Period Two: Report on Findings Report techUK 2017
Climate change impacts in Latin America and the Caribbean and their implications for development Journal Article Reyer et al. 2017
Crypto-trading: Blockchain-oriented energy market Conference Paper Mannaro et al. 2017
Digitalization and Energy – Analysis Report IEA 2017
Energy consumption in e-commerce versus conventional trade channels - Insights into packaging, the last mile, unsold products and product returns Journal Article Pålsson et al. 2017
Energy landscape in Mauritius Journal Article Surroop and Raghoo 2017
Green IoT: An Investigation on Energy Saving Practices for 2020 and Beyond Journal Article Arshad et al. 2017
Material Flow Accounts and Driving Factors of Economic Growth in the Philippines Journal Article Martinico‐Perez et al. 2017
Renewable energy: Present research and future scope of artificial intelligence Journal Article Jha et al. 2017
Sustainability of bitcoin and blockchains Journal Article Harald Vranken 2017
Using artificial intelligence to improve real-time decision-making for high-impact weather Journal Article McGovern et al. 2017
A Methodology to Assess the Water Energy Food Ecosystems Nexus in Transboundary River Basins Journal Article de Strasser et al. 2016
A Path to Prosperity: Renewable Energy for Islands Report International Renewable Energy Agency 2016
An evaluation of the urban metabolism of Macao from 2003 to 2013 Journal Article Lei et al. 2016
Blockchain in the energy transition. A survey among decision-makers in the German energy industry Report Burger et al. 2016
Blockchain—an opportunity for energy producers and consumers? Report 2016
Caribbean Energy : Macro-Related Challenges Report McIntyre et al. 2016
Coupling of carbon and energy flows in cities: A meta-analysis and nexus modelling Journal Article Chen and Chen 2016
Eight energy and material flow characteristics of urban ecosystems Journal Article Xuemei Bai 2016
Energy metabolism of the Balearic Islands (1986–2012) Journal Article Ginard-Bosch and Ramos-Martín 2016
Evaluating urban sustainability potential based on material flow analysis of inputs and outputs: A case study in Jinchang City, China Journal Article Li et al. 2016
Green Industrial Internet of Things Architecture: An Energy-Efficient Perspective Journal Article Wang et al. 2016
Modeling of material and energy flows in the Metropolitan City of Milan, Italy using urban metabolism approaches Conference Paper Igor Tereshchenko Gabriela Fernandez 2016
Socioeconomic metabolism of Biomass in Jamaica in the Context of Trade and National Food Security: A time series biophysical analysis (1961-2013). Thesis Akunne Okoli 2016
The Energy Structure of the Canadian Economy Journal Article Kennedy and Bachmann 2016
The energy metabolism of megacities Journal Article Facchini et al. 2016
The rebound effect and Schatzki’s social theory: Reassessing the socio-materiality of energy consumption via a German case study Journal Article Galvin and Gubernat 2016
Towards a Dynamic Approach to Urban Metabolism: Tracing the Temporal Evolution of Brussels' Urban Metabolism from 1970 to 2010 Journal Article Athanassiadis et al. 2016
Towards more comprehensive urban environmental assessments: exploring the complex relationship between urban and metabolic profiles Thesis Aristide Athanassiadis 2016
Water-Energy-Food nexus: framing the opportunities, challenges and synergies for implementing the SDGs Journal Article Paul T. Yillia 2016
A comparative analysis of carbon emissions from online retailing of fast moving consumer goods Journal Article van Loon et al. 2015
AmI and the IoT and Environmental and Societal Sustainability: Risks, Challenges, and Underpinnings Book Section Bibri and Bibri 2015
An application of system dynamics for evaluating planning alternatives to guide a green industrial transformation in a resource-based city Journal Article Kuai et al. 2015
Combined MFA and LCA approach to evaluate the metabolism of service polygons: A case study on a university campus Journal Article Lopes Silva et al. 2015
Governance of transitions towards sustainable development – the water–energy–food nexus in Cyprus Journal Article Halbe et al. 2015
Profitable climate change mitigation: The case of greenhouse gas emission reduction benefits enabled by solar photovoltaic systems Journal Article Breyer et al. 2015
Social metabolism: a metrics for biophysical growth and degrowth Journal Article Fischer-Kowalski and Haberl 2015
Sustainability analysis of a society based on exergy studies – a case study of the island of Samsø (Denmark) Journal Article Nielsen and Jørgensen 2015
The Energy Demand of Data Centers Book Section Hilty et al. 2015
The ICT/electronics question: Structural change and the rebound effect Journal Article Ray Galvin 2015
The Rebound Effect and Energy Efficiency Policy Report Gillingham et al. 2015
Urban metabolism: Measuring the city's contribution to sustainable development Journal Article Conke and Ferreira 2015
Access to electricity in Small Island Developing States of the Pacific: Issues and challenges Journal Article Matthew Dornan 2014
An integrated material metabolism model for stocks of urban road system in Beijing, China Journal Article Guo et al. 2014
Analysis of the energy metabolism of urban socioeconomic sectors and the associated carbon footprints: Model development and a case study for Beijing Journal Article Zhang et al. 2014
Assessing Internet energy intensity: A review of methods and results Journal Article Coroama and Hilty 2014
Decoupling Economic Growth and Environmental Degradation: Reviewing Progress to Date in the Small Island State of Malta Journal Article Conrad and Cassar 2014
Decoupling Economic Growth and Environmental Degradation: Reviewing Progress to Date in the Small Island State of Malta Journal Article Conrad and Cassar 2014
Enabling Future Sustainability Transitions: An Urban Metabolism Approach to Los Angeles Journal Article Pincetl et al. 2014
Global Environment Outlook Small Island Developing States Outlook Book Al-Jenaid et al. 2014
Island Waste Management Systems Journal Article Eckelman et al. 2014
Resource Use in Small Island States Journal Article Krausmann et al. 2014
Small islands Journal Article Nurse et al. 2014
Strategic sustainability and industrial ecology in an island context, with considerations for a green economy roadmap: a study in the tourist accommodation sector, Grenada. Thesis John N. Telesford 2014
The role of in-use stocks in the social metabolism and in climate change mitigation Journal Article Pauliuk and Müller 2014
Urban material flow analysis: An approach for Bogotá, Colombia Journal Article Alfonso Piña and Pardo Martínez 2014
An urban metabolism and ecological footprint assessment of Metro Vancouver Journal Article Moore et al. 2013
Contextualizing the Urban Metabolism of Brussels: Correlation of resource use with local factors Conference Paper Philippe Bouillard Aristide Athanassiadis 2013
Determining cement ball mill dosage by artificial intelligence tools aimed at reducing energy consumption and environmental impact Journal Article Sarduy et al. 2013
Implementation of Renewable Energies as a Strategy to Modify the Energy Matrix in Argentina. From Point Policies to Systemic Solutions. Journal Article Garrido et al. 2013
Quantification of urban metabolism through coupling with the life cycle assessment framework: concept development and case study Journal Article Goldstein et al. 2013
Resource Use and Waste Generation by the Tourism Industry on the Big Island of Hawaii Journal Article Osamu Saito 2013
Small Island Developing States (SIDS) & energy aid: Impacts on the energy sector in the Caribbean and Pacific Journal Article Niles and Lloyd 2013
Small island developing states: coastal systems, global change and sustainability Journal Article John E. Hay 2013
The Roles of Energy and Material Efficiency in Meeting Steel Industry CO2 Targets Journal Article Milford et al. 2013
Transforming the Norwegian Dwelling Stock to reach the 2 Degrees Celsius Climate Target Journal Article Pauliuk et al. 2013
Urban Metabolism and the Energy Stored in Cities Journal Article Christopher A. Kennedy David N. Bristow 2013
An Analysis of Stocks and Flows Associated with Water Consumption in Indian Households Journal Article G. Venkatesh 2012
An expanded urban metabolism method: Toward a systems approach for assessing urban energy processes and causes Journal Article Pincetl et al. 2012
Climate Change and the Caribbean: Review and Response Journal Article Taylor et al. 2012
IT for green and green IT: A proposed typology of eco-innovation Journal Article and 2011
Small island developing states Journal Article Poh Poh Wong 2011
Ecological network analysis of an urban energy metabolic system: Model development, and a case study of four Chinese cities Journal Article Zhang et al. 2010
Greenhouse Gas Emission Footprints and Energy Use Benchmarks for Eight U.S. Cities Journal Article Hillman and Ramaswami 2010
Methodology for inventorying greenhouse gas emissions from global cities Journal Article Kennedy et al. 2010
Aluminum Stock and Flows in U.S. Passenger Vehicles and Implications for Energy Use Journal Article Lynette Cheah 2009
A Demand-Centered, Hybrid Life-Cycle Methodology for City-Scale Greenhouse Gas Inventories Journal Article Ramaswami et al. 2008
Applying physical input–output tables of energy to estimate the energy ecological footprint (EEF) of Galicia (NW Spain) Journal Article Carballo Penela and Sebastián Villasante 2008
Measuring the embodied energy in household goods: application to the Lisbon City Conference Paper Rosado and Ferrão 2008
Practical appraisal of sustainable development—Methodologies for sustainability measurement at settlement level Journal Article Moles et al. 2008
Sustainable island businesses: a case study of Norfolk Island Journal Article Manfred Lenzen 2008
Technical approach for a sustainable tourism development. Case study in the Balearic Islands Journal Article Fortuny et al. 2008
The energy and mass balance of Los Angeles County Journal Article Ngo and Pataki 2008
Powering down: Remedies for unsustainable ICT Journal Article Simon Forge 2007
The Changing Metabolism of Cities Journal Article Christopher Kennedy and Engel-Yan 2007
Urban metabolism and resource optimisation in the urban fabric: The BRIDGE methodology Working paper Nektarios Chrysoulakis 2007
Theory of urban energetics and mechanisms of urban development Journal Article Huang and Chen 2005
On the economics of electricity consumption in small island developing states: a role for renewable energy technologies? Journal Article Daniel Weisser 2004
Environmental relations and biophysical transition: the case of trinket island Journal Article Singh and Grünbühel 2003
Estimating the urban metabolism of Canadian cities: Greater Toronto Area case study Journal Article Sahely et al. 2003
A material flow analysis and ecological footprint of York Report Barrett et al. 2002
An ecological footprint of Liverpool Report Barett and Scott 2001
Escalating trends in the urban metabolism of Hong Kong: 1971-1997 Journal Article Warren-Rhodes and Koenig 2001
Applications of artificial neural-networks for energy systems Journal Article Soteris A. Kalogirou 2000
Energy flow analysis as a tool for developing a sustainable society—a case study of a Swedish island Journal Article Sundkvist et al. 1999
Urban ecosystems, energetic hierarchies, and ecological economics of Taipei metropolis Journal Article Shu-Li Huang 1998
Local Management of Biomass: A material and energy assessment of the use of agricultural land with energy crops Book Müller et al. 1995
Tackling Urban CO2 Emissions in Toronto Journal Article L. D. Danny Harvey 1993
L'écosystème URBS: L'écosystème urbain bruxellois Book Section Duvigneaud and Denayer-De Smet 1977
Energy-economic theory and mathematical models for combining the systems of man and nature, case study: The urban region of Miami, Florida Journal Article James Zucchetto 1975