Data contribution hub
Title | Type | Author(s) | Year |
Porto Railroad Network | Shapefile | Centro de Informação Geoespacial do Exército Carla Santos Carla Santos, Centro de Informação Geoespacial do Exército | |
Temperature and Rainfall information | Webpage | WMO WMO | |
Evolución de Densidad de Empresas (2008-2018) | Dataset | PORDATA PORDATA | 2020 |
Evolución de Empresas no financeras total y por sector de atividad (2009-2018) | Dataset | PORDATA PORDATA | 2020 |
Evolución de Población por edad. Hombres (2001-2019) | Dataset | PORDATA PORDATA | 2020 |
Evolución de Población por edad. Mujeres (2001-2019) | Dataset | PORDATA PORDATA | 2020 |
NUTS 2 - 2016 | Shapefile | EUROSTAT EUROSTAT | 2020 |
NUTS 3 - 2016 | Shapefile | EUROSTAT EUROSTAT | 2020 |
Annual fuel consumption by economic activity (2018) | Dataset | DGEG DGEG | 2019 |
Consumidores de electricidad por tipo em 2018 | Dataset | DGEG DGEG | 2019 |
Consumo de electricidad por setor de atividad (2018) | Dataset | DGEG DGEG | 2019 |
Mobility and Transport System | Report | Camara Municipal do Porto Camara Municipal do Porto | 2019 |
Caracterización biofísica | Report | CM Porto CM Porto | 2018 |
Consumo de electricidad por tipo de consumo | Dataset | DGEG DGEG | 2018 |
Distribution networks characterization | Report | EDP EDP | 2018 |
Electric vehicle charging points | Image | CMP & MOBIE CMP & MOBIE | 2018 |
Estrutura Ecológica y Biodiversidad | Report | CM Porto CM Porto | 2018 |
Informe de Sostenibilidad de Porto | Report | Câmara Municipal do Porto Câmara Municipal do Porto | 2018 |
Ocupación de suelo | Report | CM Porto CM Porto | 2018 |
Portugal districts boundaries | Shapefile | GADM GADM | 2018 |
Transport Network - Very High Tension - > 20MVA | Map | REN REN | 2018 |
Characteristics of Porto water reservatoires | Image | Águas do Porto Águas do Porto | 2016 |
Location of Porto water reservatoires | Image | Águas do Porto Águas do Porto | 2016 |
Buildings by type - Porto | Dataset | PORDATA PORDATA | 2015 |
Porto Road Network | Shapefile | Carla Santos Carla Santos | 2014 |
Portugal Road Network | Shapefile | Centro de Informação Geoespacial do Exército Centro de Informação Geoespacial do Exército | 2014 |
Railroad Network of Portugal | Shapefile | Centro de Informação Geoespacial do Exército Centro de Informação Geoespacial do Exército | 2014 |
Carta de Depósitos Minerais da Região Norte de Portugal à escala 1:200 000 | Map | LNEG LNEG | 2013 |
Población por freguesia (Censos 2011) | Dataset | INE INE | 2012 |
Cities and greenhouse gas emissions: moving forward | Journal Article | Hoornweg et al. Hoornweg, Daniel and Sugar, Lorraine and Trejos Gomez, Claudia Lorena | 2011 |
Rede hidrográfica GeoCodificada | Shapefile | Instituto Superior Técnico (Departamento de Engenharia Civil e Arquitectura) Instituto Superior Técnico (Departamento de Engenharia Civil e Arquitectura) | 2006 |
Untagged items
These items were uploaded but not (yet) linked to a specific layer
Title | Author(s) | Year | Tag(s) |
Geo-localisation of Waste Collection Infrastructures in Porto
GPS Coordinates | Edit |
Paula Castro | None | 2.4. Waste CollectionActors |
Imports in Porto (2009, 2019)
Dataset | Edit |
Carla Santos | None | 3.6. Imports and exports |
Imports in Porto (2009, 2019)
Dataset | Edit |
Carla Santos | None | 3.6. Imports and exports |
Imports in Porto (2009, 2019)
Dataset | Edit |
Carla Santos | None | 3.6. Imports and exports |
Porto tem 65 mil árvores públicas e a maioria está inventariada e disponível para consulta online
Webpage | Edit |
CM Porto | None | 3.4 Stock |
Statistic Data of Porto
Webpage | Edit |
AMP | None | 1.3. Economic activity - descriptions |
Waste Observatory
Webpage | Edit |
Lipor | None | 2.5. Waste Treatment2.5.1 Landfill2.5.2 Incineration2.5.3 Recycling2.5.6 Composting2.6. Reuse3.5. Waste flows |
Urban Circularity Assessment Porto
Report | Edit |
Carla Santos | 2023 | 3.1. Extraction/Harvesting |
Building stock by building typologies and materials
Image | Edit |
Carla Santos | 2022 | 3.4 Stock |
Building stock by materials and building typologies
Image | Edit |
Carla Santos | 2022 | 3.4 Stock |
Consumption of Natural Gas by Economic Activity - Porto
Dataset | Edit |
DGEG | 2022 | 3.3 Use |
Employees by economic activity sector - Porto
Dataset | Edit |
INE | 2022 | 1.4.1. City employment per NACE codes (at least level 2) |
Exports in Porto (2009, 2019)
Dataset | Edit |
INE | 2022 | 3.6. Imports and exports |
Exports in Porto by MF categories (2009 and 2019)
Dataset | Edit |
INE | 2022 | 3.6. Imports and exports |
Exports of biomass in Porto, in 2009 and 2019
Dataset | Edit |
INE | 2022 | 3.6. Imports and exports |
Gross Value Added by economic activity (2009-2020)
Dataset | Edit |
PORDATA | 2022 | 1.4. Economic activity - figures (employees and GDP per NACE codes) |
Imports in Porto by MF categories (2009 and 2019)
Dataset | Edit |
Carla Santos | 2022 | 3.6. Imports and exports |
Imports of Biomass in Porto, in 2009 and 2019
Dataset | Edit |
INE | 2022 | 3.6. Imports and exports |
Local Composting Treatment in Porto
Dataset | Edit |
LIPOR | 2022 | 3.5. Waste flows |
Map of Building Material Stock in Porto expressed in tonnes
Image | Edit |
Carla Santos | 2022 | 3.4 Stock |
Population of Porto (1981-2021)
Dataset | Edit |
PORDATA | 2022 | 1.2.1. City population |
Population of Porto by age (1981-2021)
Dataset | Edit |
PORDATA | 2022 | 1.2.1. City population |
Population of Porto by gender (1981-2021)
Dataset | Edit |
PORDATA | 2022 | 1.2.1. City population |
Porto - Urban Circularity Assessment sheet, all data for 2009 analysis
Dataset | Edit |
Bellstedt et al. | 2022 | 3.1. Extraction/Harvesting |
Porto - Urban Circularity Assessment sheet, all data for 2019 analysis
Dataset | Edit |
Bellstedt et al. | 2022 | 3.1. Extraction/Harvesting |
Porto Domestic Extraction 2009 and 2019
Dataset | Edit |
INE | 2022 | 3.1. Extraction/Harvesting |
Porto Employees by Indutries (2009-2020)
Dataset | Edit |
INE | 2022 | 1.4.1. City employment per NACE codes (at least level 2) |
Porto GVA by Economic Activity - 2009 and 2019
Dataset | Edit |
INE | 2022 | 1.4.5. City GDP or GVA per NACE codes (at least level 2) |
Porto GVA by Economic Activity - 2009 and 2019
Dataset | Edit |
INE | 2022 | 1.4.5. City GDP or GVA per NACE codes (at least level 2) |
Porto Local Composting Treatment - 2009 and 2019
Dataset | Edit |
LIPOR | 2022 | 3.5. Waste flows |
Porto building stock by typology
Dataset | Edit |
CMP Carla Santos | 2022 | 3.4 Stock |
Porto population by age in 2021
Dataset | Edit |
INE | 2022 | 1.2.1. City population |
Porto waste composition (2009, 2019)
Dataset | Edit |
Lipor and Ambiente | 2022 | 3.5. Waste flows |
Porto waste treatment (2009,2019)
Dataset | Edit |
Lipor and Ambiente | 2022 | 3.5. Waste flows |
Sales of petroleum products by Economic Activities - Porto
Dataset | Edit |
DGEG | 2022 | 3.3 Use |
Beer manufacture in Porto
Dataset | Edit |
INE | 2021 | 3.2. Manufacturing |
Birds in Porto by Category
Dataset | Edit |
INE | 2021 | 3.4 Stock |
Cattle in Porto by Category
Dataset | Edit |
INE | 2021 | 3.4 Stock |
Consumption of cereals in Porto (from Portugal data)
Dataset | Edit |
INE | 2021 | 3.3 Use |
Consumption of dry legumes in Porto (from Portugal data)
Dataset | Edit |
INE | 2021 | 3.3 Use |
Consumption of fruit in Porto (from Portugal data)
Dataset | Edit |
INE | 2021 | 3.3 Use |
Consumption of margarines in Porto (from Portugal data)
Dataset | Edit |
INE | 2021 | 3.3 Use |
Consumption of oilseeds and oleaginous fruits in Porto (from Portugal data)
Dataset | Edit |
INE | 2021 | 3.3 Use |
Consumption of potato in Porto (from Portugal data)
Dataset | Edit |
INE | 2021 | 3.3 Use |
Consumption of sugar in Porto (from Portugal data)
Dataset | Edit |
INE | 2021 | 3.3 Use |
Geo-localisation of Extraction & Harvesting Infrastructures in Porto
GPS Coordinates | Edit |
Paula Castro | 2021 | 2.1. Extraction/Harvesting |
Geo-localisation of Waste Treatment Infrastructures in Porto
GPS Coordinates | Edit |
Paula Castro | 2021 | 2.5. Waste Treatment2.5.1 Landfill2.5.2 Incineration2.5.6 Composting |
Goats in Porto by Category
Dataset | Edit |
INE | 2021 | 3.4 Stock |
Goods loaded and unloaded per reporting port
Dataset | Edit |
INE | 2021 | 3.6. Imports and exports |
Grain mill products manufacture in Porto
Dataset | Edit |
INE | 2021 | 3.2. Manufacturing |
Green spaces in Porto
Shapefile | Edit |
Câmara Municipal do Porto | 2021 | 3.4 Stock |
Harvested tonnes of permanent crops in Porto by Type
Dataset | Edit |
INE | 2021 | 3.1. Extraction/Harvesting |
Harvested tonnes of temporary crops in Porto by Type
Dataset | Edit |
INE | 2021 | 3.1. Extraction/Harvesting |
Hectares of agricultural area used in Porto by Composition of the agricultural surface area used
Dataset | Edit |
INE | 2021 | 3.1. Extraction/Harvesting |
Hectares of agricultural holdings by technical-economic orientation in Porto
Dataset | Edit |
INE | 2021 | 3.1. Extraction/Harvesting |
Hectares of agricultural holdings in Porto by Type of Land Use
Dataset | Edit |
INE | 2021 | 3.1. Extraction/Harvesting |
Horses in Porto by Category
Dataset | Edit |
INE | 2021 | 3.4 Stock |
Imports and Exports in Porto
Dataset | Edit |
INE | 2021 | 3.6. Imports and exports |
Location of Waste Collection Containers in Porto
Shapefile | Edit |
EMAP (Porto Ambiente) | 2021 | 2.4. Waste Collection |
Main Actors in Porto
Dataset | Edit |
Paula Castro | 2021 | 2.1. Extraction/Harvesting2.2. Manufacturing2.3. Use2.4. Waste Collection2.5. Waste TreatmentActors |
Main Actors in Porto
GPS Coordinates | Edit |
Paula Castro | 2021 | 2.1. Extraction/Harvesting2.2. Manufacturing2.3. Use2.4. Waste Collection2.5. Waste Treatment |
Manufacture of bread and pastry goods in Porto
Dataset | Edit |
INE | 2021 | 3.2. Manufacturing |
Meals Served in Schools in Municipality of Porto
Dataset | Edit |
Câmara Municipal do Porto | 2021 | 3.3 Use |
N.º of agricultural holdings by technical-economic orientation in Porto
Dataset | Edit |
INE | 2021 | 3.1. Extraction/Harvesting |
N.º of agricultural holdings in Porto by Composition of utilized agricultural area
Dataset | Edit |
INE | 2021 | 3.1. Extraction/Harvesting |
N.º of agricultural holdings in Porto by Type of Land Use
Dataset | Edit |
INE | 2021 | 3.1. Extraction/Harvesting |
N.º of agricultural holdings with permanent crops in Porto by Type
Dataset | Edit |
INE | 2021 | 3.1. Extraction/Harvesting |
N.º of agricultural holdings with temporary crops in Porto by Type
Dataset | Edit |
INE | 2021 | 3.1. Extraction/Harvesting |
Number of livestock in agricultural holdings in Porto by Animal species
Dataset | Edit |
INE | 2021 | 3.4 Stock |
Olive production in Porto
Dataset | Edit |
INE | 2021 | 3.1. Extraction/Harvesting |
Pigs in Porto by Category
Dataset | Edit |
INE | 2021 | 3.4 Stock |
Porto - Sankey and indicator data for biomass sector
Dataset | Edit |
Paula Castro Pedro Santos | 2021 | 3.1. Extraction/Harvesting |
Quantities of waste collection by type of collection and waste in Porto
Dataset | Edit |
EMAP - Porto Ambiente | 2021 | 3.5. Waste flows |
Rabbits in Porto by Category
Dataset | Edit |
INE | 2021 | 3.4 Stock |
Sector-wide Circularity Assessment - Biomass Sector
Report | Edit |
Bellstedt et al. | 2021 | |
Sector-wide Circularity Assessment for the Biomass Sector - Porto
Report | Edit |
Santos et al. | 2021 | 3.1. Extraction/Harvesting |
Sheeps in Porto by Category
Dataset | Edit |
INE | 2021 | 3.4 Stock |
Sugar manufacture in Porto
Dataset | Edit |
RAR | 2021 | 3.2. Manufacturing |
Tons of food donated and recovered in the Municipality of Porto
Dataset | Edit |
LIPOR | 2021 | 3.3 Use |
Tons of food recovered in restaurants by the Embrulha project
Dataset | Edit |
LIPOR | 2021 | 3.3 Use |
Trees stock in Porto
Shapefile | Edit |
Câmara Municipal do Porto | 2021 | 3.4 Stock |
Wine production in Porto
Dataset | Edit |
INE | 2021 | 3.1. Extraction/Harvesting |
Actors Porto
Dataset | Edit |
Carla Santos | 2020 | Actors |
Butter production in Portugal
Dataset | Edit |
INE | 2020 | 3.1. Extraction/Harvesting |
Consumption of meat in Porto (from Portugal data)
Dataset | Edit |
INE | 2020 | 3.3 Use |
Consumption of milk and dairy products in Porto (from Portugal data)
Dataset | Edit |
INE | 2020 | 3.3 Use |
Consumption of wine in Porto (from Portugal data)
Dataset | Edit |
INE | 2020 | 3.3 Use |
Density Population of Porto Metropolitan Area
Dataset | Edit |
PORDATA | 2020 | 1.2.2. NUTS3 population |
Eggs production in Portugal
Dataset | Edit |
INE | 2020 | 3.1. Extraction/Harvesting |
Fishery Statistics
Dataset | Edit |
INE | 2020 | 3.1. Extraction/Harvesting |
GVA by economic activity - Porto
Dataset | Edit |
INE | 2020 | 1.4.5. City GDP or GVA per NACE codes (at least level 2)2.1. Extraction/Harvesting2.2. Manufacturing2.3. Use2.4. Waste Collection2.5. Waste TreatmentGVA |
Goods balance of entrepises (2009-2019)
Dataset | Edit |
PORDATA | 2020 | 2.8. Imports2.9. Exports |
Honey production in Northern Region
Dataset | Edit |
INE | 2020 | 3.1. Extraction/Harvesting |
How the Portuguese eat
Book | Edit |
Santos and Graça | 2020 | 3.3 Use |
Inventario de árboles
Data visualisation | Edit |
CM Porto | 2020 | 3.4 Stock |
Meat production in Northern Region
Dataset | Edit |
INE | 2020 | 3.1. Extraction/Harvesting |
Municipalities Boundaries
Shapefile | Edit |
Direção-Geral do Território | 2020 | 1.1.1. City boundaries |
Northern Region Employment per NACE codes
Dataset | Edit |
INE | 2020 | 1.4.3. NUTS2 employment per NACE codes (at least level 2) |
Northern Region Gross Value Added per NACE codes
Dataset | Edit |
INE | 2020 | 1.4.7. NUTS2 GDP or GVA per NACE codes (at least level 2) |
Population Density of Northern Region of Portugal
Dataset | Edit |
PORDATA | 2020 | 1.2.3. NUTS2 population |
Population Density of Porto (2001-2019)
Dataset | Edit |
PORDATA | 2020 | 1.2.1. City population |
Population Density of Portugal
Dataset | Edit |
PORDATA | 2020 | 1.2.4. Country population |
Population evolution of Porto (1981-2019)
Dataset | Edit |
PORDATA | 2020 | 1.2.1. City population |
Porto Metropolitan Area Employment per NACE codes
Dataset | Edit |
INE | 2020 | 1.4.2. NUTS3 employment per NACE codes (at least level 2) |
Porto Metropolitan Area Gross Value Added per NACE codes
Dataset | Edit |
INE | 2020 | 1.4.6. NUTS3 GDP or GVA per NACE codes (at least level 2) |
Porto Panorama
Image | Edit |
Carla Santos | 2020 | |
Porto Population evolution by gender (1981-2019)
Dataset | Edit |
PORDATA | 2020 | 1.2.1. City population |
Porto by night
Image | Edit |
Carla Santos | 2020 | |
Porto population evolution by age (2001, 2008-2019)
Dataset | Edit |
PORDATA | 2020 | 1.2.1. City population |
Portugal Gross Value Added per NACE codes
Dataset | Edit |
INE | 2020 | 1.4.8. Country GDP or GVA per NACE codes (at least level 2) |
Portugal employment per NACE codes
Dataset | Edit |
INE | 2020 | 1.4.4. Country employment per NACE codes (at least level 2) |
Productivity of the main agricultural crops in Northern Region
Dataset | Edit |
INE | 2020 | 3.1. Extraction/Harvesting |
Resident Population of Northern Region of Portugal
Dataset | Edit |
PORDATA | 2020 | 1.2.3. NUTS2 population |
Resident Population of Northern Region of Portugal by Age
Dataset | Edit |
PORDATA | 2020 | 1.2.3. NUTS2 population |
Resident Population of Northern Region of Portugal by Gender
Dataset | Edit |
PORDATA | 2020 | 1.2.3. NUTS2 population |
Resident Population of Porto Metropolitan Area
Dataset | Edit |
PORDATA | 2020 | 1.2.2. NUTS3 population |
Resident Population of Porto Metropolitan Area by Age
Dataset | Edit |
PORDATA | 2020 | 1.2.2. NUTS3 population |
Resident Population of Porto Metropolitan Area by Gender
Dataset | Edit |
PORDATA | 2020 | 1.2.2. NUTS3 population |
Resident Population of Portugal
Dataset | Edit |
PORDATA | 2020 | 1.2.4. Country population |
Resident Population of Portugal by Age
Dataset | Edit |
PORDATA | 2020 | 1.2.4. Country population |
Resident Population of Portugal by Gender
Dataset | Edit |
PORDATA | 2020 | 1.2.4. Country population |
Urbane agricultural gardens
Map | Edit |
Camara Municipal do Porto | 2020 | 2.1. Extraction/Harvesting |
Wool production in Northern Region
Dataset | Edit |
INE | 2020 | 3.1. Extraction/Harvesting |
Carta Administrativa Oficial de Portugal - CAOP2019 (Continente)
Shapefile | Edit |
Direção-Geral do Território | 2019 | 1.1. Boundaries |
Circular Economy Strategies in Eight Historic Port Cities: Criteria and Indicators Towards a Circular City Assessment Framework
Journal Article | Edit |
Antonia Gravagnuolo and Girard | 2019 | Case StudyCircular EconomyUrban |
Cities and Circular Economy for Food - Porto, Portugal
Report | Edit |
Ellen MacArthur Foundation | 2019 | 1.5. Policy documents |
Limites Concelhos Portugal Continental - CAOP2019
Shapefile | Edit |
Direção-Geral do Território | 2019 | |
Meals Served in Municipal Canteens in Porto
Dataset | Edit |
Câmara Municipal do Porto | 2019 | 3.3 Use |
Buildings by time of construction - Porto
Dataset | Edit |
PORDATA | 2018 | 3.4 Stock |
Characterization report of Infrastructures
Report | Edit |
Camara Municipal do Porto | 2018 | 2.4. Waste Collection |
Dinamicas Economicas
Report | Edit |
CM Porto | 2018 | 1.3. Economic activity - descriptions |
Industrial Metabolism and Circular Economy in the Metropolitan Area of Porto
Report | Edit |
EY - AM&A | 2018 | 1.5. Policy documents |
Land Occupation Characterization and Diagnosis Report
Report | Edit |
Câmara Municipal do Porto | 2018 | 1.6. Land use |
Municipal Boundaries of Portugal
Shapefile | Edit |
GADM | 2018 | |
Current Land Occupation Letter of Porto
Map | Edit |
Câmara Municipal do Porto | 2017 | 1.6. Land use |
Daily edible capita of food products in Portugal
Dataset | Edit |
INE | 2017 | 3.3 Use |
Household Expenditure Survey 2015/2016
Report | Edit |
INE | 2017 | 3.3 Use |
Location of waste drop-off centers
Image | Edit |
EMAP | 2017 | 2.4. Waste Collection |
Portuguese Food Balance 2012-2016
Report | Edit |
INE | 2017 | 3.3 Use |
Roadmap para a cidade do Porto circular em 2030
Report | Edit |
António Lorena et al. | 2017 | 1.5. Policy documents |
Image | Edit |
CMP | 2016 | |
Buildings by number of floors - Porto
Dataset | Edit |
PORDATA | 2015 | 3.3 Use3.4 Stock |
Employees by economic activity sector - Censos
Dataset | Edit |
PORDATA | 2015 | 1.4. Economic activity - figures (employees and GDP per NACE codes) |
Lipor's Strategic Plan for 2015-2020
Report | Edit |
Lipor | 2015 | 1.5. Policy documents |
Environmental assessment of the integrated municipal solid waste management system in Porto (Portugal)
Journal Article | Edit |
Herva et al. | 2014 | 3.5. Waste flows |
Land Use Charter - Porto
Shapefile | Edit |
DGT | 2011 | 1.6. Land use |
Image | Edit |
Carla Santos | 2010 | |
Porto Livestock (No.) of agricultural holding by Geographic localization (NUTS - 2001) and Animal specie - 2009
Dataset | Edit |
INE | 2009 | 3.4 Stock |
This layer is about providing context around the city: placement in the region, geodata, spatial boundaries, population numbers over several years, GDP, economic activities, etc.
Data and information to obtain
1.1. Administrative boundaries 3 |
1.2. Economic activity - descriptions 1 |
1.3. Economic activity - figures 2 |
1.4. Population 4 |
1.5. Policy documents 0 |
1.6. Actors 0 |
This layer looks at the biophysical properties of the city, including soil, land, ecosystems, climatological characteristics, geology, and more.
Data and information to obtain
2.1. Soil type and composition 2 |
2.2. Trees 1 |
2.3. Biodiversity 2 |
2.4. Bodies of water 2 |
2.5. Average temperatures 1 |
2.6. Rainfall 1 |
2.7. Mineral deposits 1 |
This layer looks at the physical infrastructure that is present in the city. From roads and transportation infrastructure to gas mains, and from bread mills to petrol stations.
Data and information to obtain
This layer is all about extraction flows, consumption flows, emissions to nature, composition and addition to (artificial) stocks (e.g. Building stocks).
Data and information to obtain
Is a complete Material Flow Analysis dataset available? Upload it here.
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