Current indigenous vegetation
Current extent of Cape Town's indigenous vegetation types and subtypes.

This file has been processed by one of our contributors.
Data visualisations should soon be available (it can take up to 6 hours for files to be crunched on our servers).
Data visualisations should soon be available (it can take up to 6 hours for files to be crunched on our servers).
File processing error
We have tried processing this file, but have encountered an error. The following error occurred when trying to merge geometries: Invalid geometry pointer returned from "OGR_G_Union".
We have tried processing this file, but have encountered an error. The following error occurred when trying to merge geometries: Invalid geometry pointer returned from "OGR_G_Union".
- Vegetation_Indigenous_Remnants.dbf (2.7 MB)
- Vegetation_Indigenous_Remnants.shp (5.8 MB)
- Vegetation_Indigenous_Remnants.CPG (5 bytes)
- Vegetation_Indigenous_Remnants.shx (27.6 KB)
- Vegetation_Indigenous_Remnants.prj (411 bytes)
Something wrong with this information? Report errors here.