Community Portal

Jens Peters
- University of Alcalá
- Signed up 4 years, 10 months ago
- Last seen 5 months, 1 week ago
- Madrid
I am a multidisciplinary researcher in the field of sustainability assessment of energy (storage) systems. Graduated as engineer (Dipl. Ing. at Technical University of Munich), I have been working as R&D engineer in the automotive industry, studied a Master in Fuel cells and renewable energy (CSIC, Madrid), and did my dissertation in Chemical and environmental Engineering at Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (Madrid) about the environmental, economic and thermodynamic assessment of pyrolysis processes for the production of biofuels and biochar. I have been working as postdoc in the research group ‘Resources, Recycling, Environment & Sustainability’ at Helmholtz Institute Ulm (HIU) and Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), modelling and assessing novel electrochemical energy storage technologies, with a special focus on material issues, sustainability and recycling of new battery systems. Granted an MSCA Fellowship, I changed to University of Alcalá (Madrid), department of economics, working on policy analysis of low carbon transition pathways. Currently, I am associate professor at University of Alcalá, teaching economics and industrial ecology for chemistry, and working on policy assessment and sustainability assessment of energy systems. In parallel, I am developing the carbon footprint rules for batteries for the JRC of the European Commission.
Research interests
My principal research interests are related with sustainability assessment of emerging technologies. I have been (and keep on) working on the assessment of energy storage systems, especially batteries, with a focus on recycling and circularity aspects. However, I am also much interested in policy assessment and societal aspects of sustainability (particularly urbanism and transport), given the fact that technology alone is insufficient to bring our economic metabolism back to sustainable levels of consumptions.
Completed tasks
Date | Task | Project | Points |
Dec 31, 2020 |
Dataset added to the data inventory
Producto Interior Bruto (PIB) trimestral a precios de mercado (precios corrientes) |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 2 |
Dec 29, 2020 |
Dataset added to the data inventory
Renta anual neta media por persona y unidad de consumo por Sexo |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 2 |
Dec 29, 2020 |
Dataset added to the data inventory
Cuentas de cotización a la Seguridad Social clasificadas por rama de actividad |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 2 |
Dec 29, 2020 |
Dataset added to the data inventory
Producto Interior Bruto (PIB) anual a precios de mercado (precios corrientes) |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 2 |
Dec 23, 2020 |
Dataset added to the data inventory
Electricidad consumida en la Comunidad de Madrid por fuente de generación |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 2 |
Dec 23, 2020 |
Process dataset
Electricidad consumida en la Comunidad de Madrid por fuente de generación |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 6 |
Dec 22, 2020 |
Dataset added to the data inventory
Emisiones de gases de efecto de invernadero (GEI), por sectores |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 2 |
Dec 22, 2020 |
Dataset added to the data inventory
Emisiones de gases de efecto de invernadero (GEI), por sustancia |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 2 |
Dec 22, 2020 |
Process dataset
Emisiones de gases de efecto de invernadero (GEI), por sustancia |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 6 |
Dec 22, 2020 |
Dataset added to the data inventory
Energía Solar. Capacidad instalada en la ciudad de Madrid (anual, 2000-2019) |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 2 |
Total | 104 |