Layer 3: Infrastructure
3.00. Land Use
Title | Type | Author(s) | Year |
Surface use | Dataset | CBS Open Data Statline CBS Open Data Statline | 2015 |
3.01. Agriculture
Title | Type | Author(s) | Year |
Farms list | GPS Coordinates | Lauren Verheijen Lauren Verheijen | 2018 |
3.02. Construction
Title | Type | Author(s) | Year |
Constructed area in The Hague | Dataset | None |
3.03. Electricity generation
Title | Type | Author(s) | Year |
Solar panels in The Hague | Dataset | No author No author | 2020 |
Wind turbines list | GPS Coordinates | Carolin Bellstedt Carolin Bellstedt | 2019 |
3.04. Electricity transmission and distribution
Title | Type | Author(s) | Year |
Transmission masts list | GPS Coordinates | Carolin Bellstedt Carolin Bellstedt | 2019 |
Electric charging stations in The Hague | Dataset | Gemeente den haag Gemeente den haag | 2017 |
3.05. Energy storage
Title | Type | Author(s) | Year |
Energy storage list | GPS Coordinates | Robert Altena Robert Altena | 2018 |
3.07. Fishing
Title | Type | Author(s) | Year |
Integral Vis note (Dutch) | Document | Hoogheemraadschap van Delfland Hoogheemraadschap van Delfland | 2012 |
3.27. Transport
Title | Type | Author(s) | Year |
Bicycle racks list | GPS Coordinates | Carolin Bellstedt Carolin Bellstedt | 2019 |
Electric charging stations list | GPS Coordinates | Carolin Bellstedt Carolin Bellstedt | 2019 |
Train stations list | GPS Coordinates | Paul Hoekman Paul Hoekman | 2019 |
3.30. Waste
Title | Type | Author(s) | Year |
Waste drop-off sites list | GPS Coordinates | Carolin Bellstedt Carolin Bellstedt | 2019 |
3.31. Water and sanitation
Title | Type | Author(s) | Year |
Pumping stations list | GPS Coordinates | Carolin Bellstedt Carolin Bellstedt | 2019 |
Wastewater treatment plants list | GPS Coordinates | Carolin Bellstedt Carolin Bellstedt | 2019 |
Wastewater treatment plants list | GPS Coordinates | Lia Alvarez Lia Alvarez | 2018 |
Water nature opportunity map Delfland 2018 | Report | Hoogheemraadschap van Delfland Hoogheemraadschap van Delfland | 2018 |
Water reservoirs list | GPS Coordinates | Lia Alvarez Lia Alvarez | 2018 |
Water agenda The Hague | Document | Hague and Delfland The municipality of the Hague and Hoogheemraadschap van Delfland | 2016 |
Water map of the Hague | Map | The municipality of The Hague The municipality of The Hague | 2014 |