Instituto de Estadística y Cartografía de Andalucía. -
Gas pipelines in the Andalucia region
It contains information about the location of the existing gas pipelines in Andalusia. This set of spatial data comes from the information provided by the Andalusian Energy Agency, dependent on the former Ministry of Employment, Business and Commerce, which uses them annually to prepare the Map of Energy Infrastructures of Andalusia (MIEA), the last of which version, from which the supplied data comes, corresponds to December 31, 2018.

Part of this shapefile
This shapefile contains 88 items - we are only displaying the first 20 below.
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- Acometida a SIIF
- Alhaurin-Mijas
- Almería-Lorca
- Antena a Salobreña
- Campo Gibraltar
- Campo de Gibraltar - Desdoble Fase 1
- Campo de Gibraltar - Desdoble Fase 2
- Campo de Gibraltar - Desdoble Fase 3
- Conexión a Huelva
- Conexión a Medina-Sidonia
- Conexión internacional del MEDGAZ
- Cordoba - Campo Maior - Leiria
- Cordoba - Jaen - Granada
- Desdoble Marismas - Almonte
- Dist Benalup
- Escúzar-Otura
- Granada-Motril
- Huelva - Sevilla - Cordoba - Madrid
- Huelva - Sevilla - Villafranca de Cordoba - Santa Cruz de Mudela
- Huercal Overa-Baza-Guadix
- 10_18_Gasoducto.cpg (5 bytes)
- 10_18_Gasoducto.dbf (84.7 KB)
- 10_18_Gasoducto.prj (404 bytes)
- 10_18_Gasoducto.shp (1.0 MB)
- 10_18_Gasoducto.shx (804 bytes)
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