Data contribution hub

São Paulo


View documents (23)
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Title Type Author(s) Year
CENSO DEMOGRÁFICO / Demographic Census Dataset IBGE
Carta Geotécnica do Município de São Paulo (Geotechnical Map of the Municipality of São Paulo) Shapefile PMSP/IPT
Censitary sectors Sao Paulo / Setores censitarios Sao Paulo Dataset GeoSampa
Economy - Tables (Economia - Tablas/Tabelas) Webpage Secretariat of Urban Development/Secretaria de Desenvolvimento Urbano
Frota de veículos/Fleet of vehicles (Municipality of São Paulo) Webpage IBGE
Jobs - Tables / Trabalho - Tabelas / Trabajos - Tablas Webpage Secretariat of Urban Development/ Secretaria de Desenvolvimento Urbano
Open Data website: Geotechnical Map of the Municipality of São Paulo Webpage PMSP
São Paulo, Municipality, Districts subdivision shape files Shapefile GeoSampa
São Paulo, Municipality, Sub-Prefectures subdivision shape files Shapefile GeoSampa
São Paulo, mapa/map macroareas 2 Shapefile PMSP
São Paulo, mapa/map macrozonas/macrozones 1 Shapefile PMSP
Unidades Produtivas Agropecuarias - Agricultural Productive Units - shapefile Shapefile GeoSampa
CEBRAP - Detailed information about the Agricultural Productive Units, São Paulo Dataset CEBRAP 2020
Nota Tecnica: Cadastro das Unidades de Produção Agropecuária UPA (Technical Note: Registration of Agricultural Production Units) Report PMSP 2020
São Paulo (Municipality) Sustainable Procurement Policy: Municipal Act 17260/2020 Document Municipio de Sao Paulo 2020
Unidades Produticas Agropecuárias (UPA) - Agricultural Productive Units Dataset PMSP 2020
São Paulo - Panorama, Population and others Dataset IBGE 2016
São Paulo, mapa zonas urbana e rural (urban and rural zones) Shapefile PMSP 2016
Integrated Solid Waste Management Plan / Plano de Gestao Integrada de Resíduos Sólidos Cidade de São Paulo Document COMITÊ INTERSECRETARIAL PARA A POLÍTICA MUNICIPAL DE RESÍDUOS SÓLIDOS 2014
São Paulo (Municipality) GHG inventory 2003-2009, with 2010-2011 updates for Energy and Waste sectors Report Brasil and Ambiental 2013
Densidade demografica - demographic density Sao Paulo 2010 Dataset GeoSampa/IBGE 2010
São Paulo (Municipality) Climate Change Policy: Municipal Act 14933/2009 Document Município de São Paulo 2009
Carta Geotécnica do Município de São Paulo (Geotechnical Map of the Municipality of São Paulo) Map PMSP/IPT 2005

Untagged items

These items were uploaded but not (yet) linked to a specific layer

Title Author(s) Year Tag(s)
São Paulo
Image | Edit
from Pixabay Alexandre Gonçalves da Rocha 2019


This layer is about providing context around the city: placement in the region, geodata, spatial boundaries, population numbers over several years, GDP, economic activities, etc.

Data and information to obtain

1.1. Administrative boundaries 2
1.2. Economic activity - descriptions 0
1.3. Economic activity - figures 3
1.4. Population 4
1.5. Policy documents 3
1.6. Actors 0

This layer looks at the biophysical properties of the city, including soil, land, ecosystems, climatological characteristics, geology, and more.

Data and information to obtain

2.1. Soil type and composition 3
2.2. Trees 0
2.3. Biodiversity 1
2.4. Bodies of water 0
2.5. Average temperatures 0
2.6. Rainfall 0
2.7. Mineral deposits 0

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English course: Data collection Spanish course: Recopilación de datos

Discussion and questions

How can I insert a photo for the city?

Hi Henrique,
This will soon be publicly possible as part of Layer 3, which will be Module 5 in the course. I can already recommend to look for a nice royalty free / open source one on those sites or or submitting one that you took yourself :)

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