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Upload population data for the provinces of South Africa

Created on Tuesday 20 April 2021, 10:15

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  • ID
  • Project
    Metabolism of Cities Data Hub
  • Status
  • Priority
  • Type
    Upload Data
  • Tags
    Data Hub Priority Plan 2021 Multi-scale integration
  • Assigned to
    Gerardo Ezequiel
  • Subscribers
    Carolin Bellstedt
    Gerardo Ezequiel
    Paul Hoekman

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The goal of this task is to find population data for the provinces of South Africa and add it to the Data Hub. Data should be open source and not copyrighted, so that we can use it. Very likely census data for several years can be found.

Once you've located the data, please upload it to Cape Town, (one of our flagship cities).

Discussion and updates

New task was created

Notes to take into account:
2011 census will be most reliable data
StatsSA puts out population estimates that are more recent and we can also add.

Task was assigned to Gerardo Ezequiel

Status change: Open → In Progress

Status change: In Progress → Completed

Thanks for this Gerardo - great stuff! One question: can you also set what the license of this file is? That doesn't seem to be configured in the library item.

No idea, It's more difficult to find the license than the dataset (I've been trying...) 😅

Haha OK noted. Sometimes we have had to e-mail people to find out, so that may also be worth a shot. It's not super urgent, as long as we get it in the system at some stage.