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Upload IRP global MFA

Created on Sunday 4 April 2021, 07:42

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  • ID
  • Project
    Metabolism of Cities Data Hub
  • Status
    On Hold
  • Priority
  • Type
    Upload Data
  • Tags
    Data Hub Priority Plan 2021 MFA integration Multi-scale integration
  • Assigned to
    Aristide Athanassiadis
  • Subscribers
    Aristide Athanassiadis
    Carolin Bellstedt
    Paul Hoekman

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The International Resource Panel has made available a global MFA, providing material flows data on a national scale at a global level:

The database covers the period 1970-2017 and 150 countries and reports material extraction, trade, material footprints and material intensity.

This is a great way to kickstart our country-level sub-site. Please make sure all countries are referenced using the exact same spelling as this document, so that we can correctly link them to their corresponding reference space.

Discussion and updates

New task was created

Task was assigned to Aristide Athanassiadis

Status change: Open → In Progress

So I'm having a look at the "Countries in the World" shapefile that was uploaded and processed to get a better sense of what are the available fields and what should I be using to link the IRP dataset. Paul do you remember by any chance which field you chose for the name? I see a number of columns in the shapefiles that contain names but not sure which you used. Should I also reupload one file with regions (continents) and subregions or at this stage we consider that it is useful?

Small update, apparently there is a more detailed IRP dataset that I requested now. Hope we will get it ASAP so I can work on it.

Great you are on it Aris! Quick notes:

  • I used the column NAME_LONG
  • What kind of file are you thinking of reuploading? It might be nice to have a CONTINENTS one, and for subregions maybe as well - but please do have a look what we already have to avoid duplication (and let me know which is the record you think of reuploading).
  • Great with IRP - let's hope we get access to it!

For point 2, I've added those also to our web page. I will soon make tasks for these as well and link them there then too. These are also nice bite-size tasks for Carlos, Ramiro & Co.


Ok so I got the IRP database. Now some caveats. We only have 13 materials categories and we can't share it as is to anyone, people need to ask it directly the IRP so that new user statistics can be maintained.
Should I reference it without upload it the file? Can I process a dataset "offline"? Should I instead start with EUROSTAT which is more complete and where such limitations do not exist? (or even replace the EU countries afterwards)?
Any ideas on this?

That is very un-open of the IRP, what a shame Aris!

Let's go with an open dataset so Eurostat sounds better yes.

Ok should I just put this one on hold and create another task for Eurostat?

Yes I think that is best.

Status change: In Progress → On Hold