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Feature | Property |
Document name | Food Trucks |
File size | 604 bytes |
Layer name | bxl_food_trucks |
Coordinate reference system | WGS_1984 |
PROJCS | None |
UNIT | degree |
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GEOGCS["WGS 84", DATUM["WGS_1984", SPHEROID["WGS 84",6378137,298.257223563, AUTHORITY["EPSG","7030"]], AUTHORITY["EPSG","6326"]], PRIMEM["Greenwich",0, AUTHORITY["EPSG","8901"]], UNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433, AUTHORITY["EPSG","9122"]], AXIS["Latitude",NORTH], AXIS["Longitude",EAST], AUTHORITY["EPSG","4326"]]
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Uploaded byMaría Gracia Yepez
Assigned toMaría Gracia Yepez
Shapefile content
emplacement | locatie | location_in | location_in | maandag | dinsdag | woensdag | donderdag | vrijdag | zaterdag | zondag | lundi | mardi | mercredi | jeudi | vendredi | samedi | dimanche | monday | tuesday | wednesday | thursday | friday | saturday | sunday |
Nouv. marché aux grains | Nieuwe Graanmarkt | Nouv. marché aux grains | Nouv. marché aux grains | Loving Hut | Loving Hut | Loving Hut | ||||||||||||||||||
Boulevard Roi Albert II | Koning Albert II laan | Boulevard Roi Albert II | Boulevard Roi Albert II | Tofa | Tofa | Tofa | ||||||||||||||||||
Place Jean Rey | Jean Reyplein | Place Jean rey | Place Jean rey | Buibui | Urban Cook | Loving Hut | Wan Thai | Okoz | Buibui | Urban Cook | Loving Hut | Wan Thai | Okoz | Buibui | Urban Cook | Loving Hut | Wan Thai | Okoz | ||||||
Porte de Namur | Naamsepoort | Porte de Namur | Porte de Namur | Pim Coffee On The Go | Keep On Toasting | Buibui | Pim Coffee On The Go | Wooly | Bon & Simple | Pim Coffee On The Go | Keep On Toasting | Buibui | Pim Coffee On The Go | Wooly | Bon & Simple | Pim Coffee On The Go | Keep On Toasting | Buibui | Pim Coffee On The Go | Wooly | Bon & Simple | |||
Avenue du Port | Havenlaan | Avenue du Port | Avenue du Port | |||||||||||||||||||||
Place Saint Jean | Sint-Jansplein | Place Saint Jean | Place Saint Jean | |||||||||||||||||||||
Square De Meeûs | De Meeûssquare | Square De Meeûs | Square De Meeûs | Urban Cook | Ty Penty | Soul Kitch'en Street | Keep On Toasting | Chang Noi | Urban Cook | Ty Penty | Soul Kitch'en Street | Keep On Toasting | Chang Noi | Urban Cook | Ty Penty | Soul Kitch'en Street | Keep On Toasting | Chang Noi | ||||||
Avenue Franklin Roosevelt | Franklin Rooseveltlaan | Avenue Franklin Roosevelt | Avenue Franklin Roosevelt | |||||||||||||||||||||
Rue Neuve | Nieuwstraat | Rue Neuve | Rue Neuve | Boppin'Burger | Farmily Food | Non Solo Tiramisu | Okoz | Wooly | Boppin'Burger | Farmily Food | Non Solo Tiramisu | Okoz | Wooly | Boppin'Burger | Farmily Food | Non Solo Tiramisu | Okoz | Wooly | ||||||
Quai de Willebroeck | Willebroekkaai | Quai de Willebroeck | Quai de Willebroeck | |||||||||||||||||||||
Boulevard Simon Bolivar - Chaussée d'Anvers | Simon Bolivarlaan - Antwerpsesteenweg | Boulevard Simon Bolivar - Chaussée d'Anvers | Boulevard Simon Bolivar - Chaussée d'Anvers | TOFA | Urban Cook | TOFA | Urban Cook | TOFA | Urban Cook | |||||||||||||||
Square Frère Orban | Frère-Orbansquare | Square Frère Orban | Square Frère Orban | Keep On Toasting | Le Vagabon | Chang Noi | Soul Kitch'en Street | La Mer de Sud | Keep On Toasting | Le Vagabon | Chang Noi | Soul Kitch'en Street | La Mer de Sud | Keep On Toasting | Le Vagabon | Chang Noi | Soul Kitch'en Street | La Mer de Sud | ||||||
Rue De Wand | Wandstraat | Rue De Wand | Rue De Wand | |||||||||||||||||||||
Boulevard de l'Impératrice | Keizerinlaan | Boulevard de l'Impératrice | Boulevard de l'Impératrice | Loving Hut | Pim Coffee On The Go | Pim Coffee On The Go | Chang Noi | Non Solo Tiramisu | Loving Hut | Pim Coffee On The Go | Pim Coffee On The Go | Chang Noi | Non Solo Tiramisu | Loving Hut | Pim Coffee On The Go | Pim Coffee On The Go | Chang Noi | Non Solo Tiramisu | ||||||
Carrefour de l'Europe | Europakruispunt | Carrefour de l'Europe | Carrefour de l'Europe | Langos King | Langos King | Langos King | ||||||||||||||||||
Place de Brouckère | De Brouckèreplein | Place de Brouckère | Place de Brouckère | |||||||||||||||||||||
Boulevard Pachéco - Boulevard Jardin Botanique | Pachecolaan - Kruidtuinlaan | Boulevard Pachéco - Boulevard Jardin Botanique | Boulevard Pachéco - Boulevard Jardin Botanique | |||||||||||||||||||||
Place Poelaert | Poelaertplein | Place Poelaert | Place Poelaert | Non Solo Tiramisu | Thai Live | La Mer de Sud | Tofa | Non Solo Tiramisu | Thai Live | La Mer de Sud | Tofa | Non Solo Tiramisu | Thai Live | La Mer de Sud | Tofa |