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Feature | Property |
Document name | Regional Districts - Legally Defined Administrative Areas of British Columbia |
File size | 10.6 MB |
Layer name | ABMS_RD_polygon |
Coordinate reference system | North_American_Datum_1983 |
PROJCS | NAD83 / BC Albers |
UNIT | metre |
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PROJCS["NAD83 / BC Albers", GEOGCS["NAD83", DATUM["North_American_Datum_1983", SPHEROID["GRS 1980",6378137,298.257222101, AUTHORITY["EPSG","7019"]], AUTHORITY["EPSG","6269"]], PRIMEM["Greenwich",0, AUTHORITY["EPSG","8901"]], UNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433, AUTHORITY["EPSG","9122"]], AUTHORITY["EPSG","4269"]], PROJECTION["Albers_Conic_Equal_Area"], PARAMETER["latitude_of_center",45], PARAMETER["longitude_of_center",-126], PARAMETER["standard_parallel_1",50], PARAMETER["standard_parallel_2",58.5], PARAMETER["false_easting",1000000], PARAMETER["false_northing",0], UNIT["metre",1, AUTHORITY["EPSG","9001"]], AXIS["Easting",EAST], AXIS["Northing",NORTH], AUTHORITY["EPSG","3005"]]
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Uploaded byCarolin Bellstedt
Assigned toCarolin Bellstedt
Shapefile content
2 | Regional District of Bulkley-Nechako | RDBN | Legal | Province of British Columbia | MCSCD | E | 20130606 | Not Appended | 3567 | 1966 | OIC | 78266556471.7951 | 2057088.3374 | 5761.0 | ||||
18 | Cariboo Regional District | CRD | Legal | Province of British Columbia | MCSCD | E | 20190423 | Not Appended | 56 | 1970 | OIC | 83106925791.941 | 2111720.0901 | 5762.0 | ||||
35 | Regional District of Fraser-Fort George | RDFFG | Legal | Province of British Columbia | MCSCD | E | 20170101 | Not Appended | 739 | 1967 | OIC | 51895936270.0085 | 2257652.915 | 5763.0 | ||||
47 | Regional District of Kitimat-Stikine | RDKS | Legal | Province of British Columbia | MCSCD | E | 20130301 | Not Appended | 433 | 2007 | OIC | 119998373720.853 | 3091623.1689 | 5764.0 | ||||
60 | Peace River Regional District | PRRD | Legal | Province of British Columbia | MCSCD | E | 20170302 | Not Appended | 2123 | 1987 | OIC | 119846904912.958 | 2524432.3059 | 5765.0 | ||||
72 | North Coast Regional District | NCRD | Legal | Province of British Columbia | MCSCD | E | 20130227 | Not Appended | 653 | 2016 | OIC | 65341803342.907 | 1362722.8807 | 5766.0 | ||||
82 | Regional District of Central Okanagan | RDCO | Legal | Province of British Columbia | MCSCD | E | 20190420 | Not Appended | 3325 | 1975 | OIC | 3145609486.4215 | 387261.0305 | 5767.0 | ||||
89 | Fraser Valley Regional District | FVRD | Legal | Province of British Columbia | MCSCD | E | 20131107 | Not Appended | 1446 | 1995 | OIC | 13913900713.0722 | 748811.2066 | 5768.0 | ||||
104 | Metro Vancouver Regional District | MVRD | Legal | Province of British Columbia | MCSCD | E | 20131107 | Not Appended | 23 | 2017 | OIC | 4051025688.0055 | 305873.3482 | 5769.0 | ||||
127 | Regional District of Okanagan-Similkameen | RDOS | Legal | Province of British Columbia | MCSCD | E | 20160717 | Not Appended | 3554 | 1975 | OIC | 10555928739.8587 | 581451.6605 | 5770.0 | ||||
142 | Squamish-Lillooet Regional District | SLRD | Legal | Province of British Columbia | MCSCD | E | 20131023 | Not Appended | 3103 | 1968 | OIC | 16695097610.2102 | 963784.3 | 5771.0 | ||||
151 | Thompson-Nicola Regional District | TNRD | Legal | Province of British Columbia | MCSCD | E | 20190419 | Not Appended | 57 | 1970 | OIC | 45462354980.8115 | 1804599.7974 | 5772.0 | ||||
173 | Regional District of Central Kootenay | RDCK | Legal | Province of British Columbia | MCSCD | E | 20130307 | Not Appended | 3824 | 1966 | OIC | 23158968334.3621 | 1118750.8133 | 5773.0 | ||||
194 | Columbia-Shuswap Regional District | CSRD | Legal | Province of British Columbia | MCSCD | E | 20170101 | Not Appended | 2248 | 1985 | OIC | 30085149104.0233 | 1400733.4012 | 5774.0 | ||||
205 | Regional District of East Kootenay | RDEK | Legal | Province of British Columbia | MCSCD | E | 20170101 | Not Appended | 3827 | 1966 | OIC | 27848512268.947 | 1128512.0069 | 5775.0 | ||||
221 | Regional District of Kootenay Boundary | RDKB | Legal | Province of British Columbia | MCSCD | E | 20160727 | Not Appended | 588 | 1966 | OIC | 8163546250.7359 | 520359.1729 | 5776.0 | ||||
235 | Regional District of North Okanagan | RDNO | Legal | Province of British Columbia | MCSCD | E | 20190419 | Not Appended | 3051 | 1965 | OIC | 7715554993.7015 | 636470.7006 | 5777.0 | ||||
247 | Regional District of Alberni-Clayoquot | RDAC | Legal | Province of British Columbia | MCSCD | E | 20190306 | Not Appended | 1217 | 1966 | OIC | 8829604735.8807 | 588747.9696 | 5778.0 | ||||
257 | Capital Regional District | CAPRD | Legal | Province of British Columbia | MCSCD | E | 20160426 | Appended | 924 | 2016 | OIC | Juan de Fuca EA | 4867434706.0914 | 432847.6867 | 5779.0 | |||
274 | Central Coast Regional District | CCRD | Legal | Province of British Columbia | MCSCD | E | 20170302 | Not Appended | 1137 | 1975 | OIC | 36733864159.9393 | 1426066.7288 | 5780.0 | ||||
280 | Comox Valley Regional District | CMXRD | Legal | Province of British Columbia | MCSCD | E | 20131210 | Not Appended | 59 | 2008 | OIC | 2519420693.372 | 274474.6856 | 5781.0 | ||||
287 | Cowichan Valley Regional District | CVRD | Legal | Province of British Columbia | MCSCD | E | 20190213 | Appended | 924 | 2016 | OIC | CVRD - EA B (Shawnigan Lake) | 4334928178.7931 | 557199.1495 | 5782.0 | |||
301 | Regional District of Mount Waddington | RDMW | Legal | Province of British Columbia | MCSCD | E | 20170302 | Not Appended | 1773 | 1966 | OIC | 27404252479.1819 | 1382376.0816 | 5783.0 | ||||
310 | Regional District of Nanaimo | RDN | Legal | Province of British Columbia | MCSCD | E | 20190306 | Not Appended | 3225 | 1967 | OIC | 3187015830.6967 | 394870.109 | 5784.0 | ||||
322 | qathet Regional District | qRD | Legal | Province of British Columbia | MCSCD | E | 20200720 | Not Appended | 354 | 2018 | OIC | 6906317867.8932 | 866918.7991 | 5785.0 | ||||
329 | Sunshine Coast Regional District | SCRD | Legal | Province of British Columbia | MCSCD | E | 000000 | Not Appended | 28 | 1967 | OIC | 5166552925.4553 | 454095.6756 | 5786.0 | ||||
337 | Strathcona Regional District | STRD | Legal | Province of British Columbia | MCSCD | E | 20170412 | Not Appended | 68 | 2016 | OIC | 21804563567.4748 | 1483263.7915 | 5787.0 | ||||
361 | Stikine Region (Unincorporated) | Stikine Region | Administrative | Province of British Columbia | MCSCD | E | 20200315 | Not Appended | 122291735837.801 | 3872218.1821 | 5788.0 |