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Reclassify EW-MFA material catalog
Created on Monday 23 November 2020, 17:55
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ProjectMetabolism of Cities Data Hub
TypeGeneral review work
Assigned toPaul Hoekman
SubscribersPaul Hoekman
We have the Eurostat MFA catalog as our basic materials catalog (see page 124). However, technically speaking this has some flaws. Most importantly, the catalog mixes activity/phase within the material catalog. For instance, "heavy metals" is listed twice - once under Emissions to Water and once in Emissions to Air. Both of these main categories are disputable in and of themselves, as they simply state when a material is being registered, instead of focusing on what it is. Instead, it would make much more sense to have "heavy metals" only listed once, under "Metallic minerals". There's more stuff like that. We should have a coherent materials list, primarily based on the Eurostat list (as it is widely used and it makes sense for MFA work), but without mixing activities with materials.