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Identify and collect STUDIES of EW-MFA on city and regional level

Created on Wednesday 27 April 2022, 11:09

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  • ID
  • Project
    Metabolism of Cities Data Hub
  • Status
  • Priority
  • Type
    General Research Work
  • Tags
    Data Hub Priority Plan 2021 Good entry-level task MFA integration Multi-scale integration
  • Assigned to
    No one yet
  • Subscribers
    Carolin Bellstedt

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Identify all EW-MFA studies at a city and regional level and include them in one Google Sheet (enabling comparison). It would be great if there could be columns on exact method used, materials included, year(s) of study, city or spatial reference of study and if there is supplementary info with data.

WHY: This will help create a picture around which literature already exists and which studies might have data that we can use.

Once these studies are collected in a Google sheets or other format, we can enable comparison (absolute and relative) and can create a study such as the Kennedy one. Further down the line, if we have some EU countries, we will be able to compare the EW-MFA from two different scales (nation and city) in order to identify what proxies work the best.

General instructions

Compiling lists, searching for information or compiling new information to further the goals of Metabolism of Cities

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