
Urban Harvest, and the Hidden Building Resources

Within the URBAN Harvest approach, a strategy has been developed to investigate all possible harvest options within and from the urban environment. It can be seen as a positive contribution to a cities needs, complementary to reducing negative impacts. It should be studied how the urban organism –Orbanism- can organise itself to make maximum use of its own possibilities. It will require a high level or organisation, which in itself is available, but unexplored.
It's necessary to change our traditional look at a city, where people only live and consume resources, to a city where people (or activities) produce resources, as by-product of consuming. The model is therefore entitled: Urban Harvesting. Harvesting all possible resources from within the urban environment. The Urban Harvest approach focuses on 6 main sources and flows from and out of a Urban environment: Urban Rivers, Urban Forest, Urban Energy, Urban Quarry, Urban Space and Urban Farm. Analysing potentials and maximum technical re-uses for quarry, space and energy, should lead to tools to manage building stock more effectively and reduce dependency on distant and non renewable sources. It will provide solutions for modern and non resource related solutions for sheltering.

At CIB World Building Congress 2007

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