Climate Change, SDGs and Revamping Engineering Education for a Circular Economy: Implications for SIDS
The 'linear economic model' which is generally, being followed is not sustainable. It is evident from the changing climate conditions in different parts of the globe. The United Nations (UN) has set seventeen Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for the member countries to achieve by 2030. Out of the 17 goals, ten need the direct involvement of engineers for their success. So, engineers have come to the centre stage of the development framework. In this background, the paper discusses measures taken by various stakeholders in different parts of the globe to sensitize engineering students towards SDGs and circular economy after a brief discussion on the concept of circular economy (CE) visa -vis green economy and bio-economy. As the concept of circular economy is new, reviews of literature and the case study method have been used to discuss the argument. So far, there are some online and MOOCs programmes on CE for particular industries, now it is time to develop such courses for specific geo-climatic conditions. The engineering community needs to develop CE courses on tourism and fishery for the SIDS as these sectors contribute significantly to the gross domestic product (GDP) of these economies.
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