
The role of a low-carbon economy and its impact on health and society: the case for the island of Mauritius and Rodrigues Island as SIDS

SIDS have both opportunities and challenges – economic, social and environmental vulnerability – for low-carbon development. Economically, SIDS are highly dependent on international trade, have limited domestic markets, are too small to provide significant scale economies, as their exports are constrained by their remote location. In this chapter, the inequities and vulnerabilities of a small island that is dependent on another main island are explored. The objective is to identify the pathway for a rapid transition from a carbon-intensive to a low-carbon economy, while effort reap the benefits of improved health of the population and make subsequent improvements on adaptive capacities and resilience to climate change. Although the contribution of small island states in term of greenhouse gas emissions is insignificant, the islands are equally responsible for lowering their carbon emissions and responding to the obligations under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, the Kyoto Protocol and the Paris Agreement.

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