Tree cadaster
In the tree register, all urban trees in the street are recorded, which are managed or maintained by Grün Stadt Zürich. The tree register is supplemented by the fruit tree inventory as well as trees from selected public green spaces and private trees.
Purpose : The tree register is used to manage trees in public spaces. It is an aid for the care of these trees and for the replacement of "old" trees. In addition, it is an important information base for planners and project planners who want to orientate themselves about the existing tree locations. Interested parties should be able to provide up-to-date and precise information about tree species and tree locations at any time

- gsz.baumkataster_baumstandorte.cpg (5 bytes)
- gsz.baumkataster_baumstandorte.dbf (39.3 MB)
- gsz.baumkataster_baumstandorte.prj (495 bytes)
- gsz.baumkataster_baumstandorte.shp (2.0 MB)
- gsz.baumkataster_baumstandorte.shx (570.6 KB)
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