Municipal planning framework 2014
Hoje-Taastrup employees who sit with GIS have "cut" municipal plan frames 2014 and zone boundaries to the municipal boundary and attached a column for both with a hectare size on each surface / polygon - for both files. So there are areas on some of it. Everything is from plan data. The framework is, as mentioned, from 2014.
The file has a total of 283 items and two different levels of detail:
- 10 general uses (column gen_anv_te) that were used and translated as follows:
Danish, English
Blandet bolig og erhverv, Mixed housing and business
Boligomrde, Residential area
Erhvervsomrde, Business area
Omrde til offentlige forml, Area for public purposes
Rekreativt omrde, Recreational area
Tekniske anlg, Technical facilities
Landomrde, Land area
Sommerhusomrde, Vacation home area
Andet, Other
Centerformål, Center
- And 35 more specific uses.

Available within this Shapefile
Part of this shapefile
- rammer_htk2014_translated.dbf (600.6 KB)
- rammer_htk2014_translated.shp (264.0 KB)
- rammer_htk2014_translated.shx (2.3 KB)
- rammer_htk2014_translated.prj (388 bytes)
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