Direção Geral do Território - DGT -
LicensePublic domain
Anadia Land Use according to PDM
Use of land in the municipality according to the Municipal Director Plan. Geographical Information made available by Direção Geral do Território (DGT).
The information provided in the SNIT is intended for consultation and viewing, and its commercialization is prohibited. The information obtained through SNIT, namely using the printing functionality, is not intended to be used for the instruction of administrative procedures, unless express authorization by the public entity responsible for the procedure. Its incorporation in published documents always implies citing the source in the usual way. Any other use requires express authorization from DGT, which reserves the right to establish the conditions for such authorization (http://www.dgterritorio.gov.pt).
No restrictions

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- CRUS_Anadia_1.shx (9.2 KB)
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