Manzanas que conforman los barrios de Medellín
Contiene información del las manzanas que conforman los barrios del Municipio de Medellín.

Available within this Shapefile
File processing error
We have tried processing this file, but have encountered an error. The following error occurred when trying to merge geometries: Invalid geometry pointer returned from "OGR_G_Union".
We have tried processing this file, but have encountered an error. The following error occurred when trying to merge geometries: Invalid geometry pointer returned from "OGR_G_Union".
- Manzanas_07-20.dbf (3.2 MB)
- Manzanas_07-20.shx (85.8 KB)
- Manzanas_07-20.shp (28.6 MB)
- Manzanas_07-20.prj (143 bytes)
- Manzanas_07-20.cpg (10 bytes)
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