Your search yielded 40 results.
Title | Type | Tag(s) | Author(s) |
Area by NUTS 3 region | Dataset |
Eurostat Eurostat |
Area by NUTS 3 region | Dataset |
Eurostat Eurostat |
Average annual population to calculate regional GDP data (thousand persons) by NUTS 3 regions | Dataset |
Eurostat Eurostat |
Business demography and high growth enterprise by NACE Rev. 2 and NUTS 3 regions | Dataset |
Eurostat Eurostat |
Business demography by size class and NUTS 3 regions | Dataset |
Eurostat Eurostat |
Conventional dwellings by occupancy status, type of building and NUTS 3 region | Dataset |
Eurostat Eurostat |
Dispersion of regional employment rates by NUTS 3 regions (%) | Dataset |
Eurostat Eurostat |
Dwellings by type of housing, building and NUTS 3 regions | Dataset |
Eurostat Eurostat |
Employed persons aged 15 and over by sex, citizenship, economic activity (NACE Rev. 1), status in employment and NUTS 3 regions | Dataset |
Eurostat Eurostat |
Employed persons by sex, age group, educational attainment level, occupation (ISCO-88) and NUTS 3 regions | Dataset |
Eurostat Eurostat |
Employer business demography by NACE Rev. 2 and NUTS 3 regions | Dataset |
Eurostat Eurostat |
Employer business demography by size class and NUTS 3 regions | Dataset |
Eurostat Eurostat |
Employment (thousand persons) by NUTS 3 regions | Dataset |
Eurostat Eurostat |
Estimated soil erosion by water, by erosion level, land cover and NUTS 3 regions (source: JRC) | Dataset |
Eurostat Eurostat |
Families by type, size and NUTS 3 region | Dataset |
Eurostat Eurostat |
Gross domestic product (GDP) at current market prices by NUTS 3 regions | Dataset |
Eurostat Eurostat |
Gross value added at basic prices by NUTS 3 regions | Dataset |
Eurostat Eurostat |
Manure storage facilities by NUTS 3 regions | Dataset |
Eurostat Eurostat |
National annual road freight transport by regions of loading (NUTS 3) and by group of goods (1 000 t), from 2008 onwards | Dataset |
Eurostat Eurostat |
National annual road freight transport by regions of loading (NUTS 3) and by group of goods (1 000 t), until 2007 | Dataset |
Eurostat Eurostat |
National annual road freight transport by regions of unloading (NUTS 3) and by group of goods (1 000 t), from 2008 onwards | Dataset |
Eurostat Eurostat |
National annual road freight transport by regions of unloading (NUTS 3) and by group of goods (1 000 t), until 2007 | Dataset |
Eurostat Eurostat |
Number of establishments, bedrooms and bed-places by NUTS 3 regions (1990-2011) | Dataset |
Eurostat Eurostat |
Persons by type of building and NUTS 3 regions | Dataset |
Eurostat Eurostat |
Population by family status and NUTS 3 region | Dataset |
Eurostat Eurostat |
Population by marital status and NUTS 3 region | Dataset |
Eurostat Eurostat |
Population by sex, age group, current activity status and NUTS 3 regions | Dataset |
Eurostat Eurostat |
Population by sex, age group, educational attainment level, current activity status and NUTS 3 regions | Dataset |
Eurostat Eurostat |
Population by sex, age group, household status and NUTS 3 regions | Dataset |
Eurostat Eurostat |
Population by sex, age group, size of household and NUTS 3 regions | Dataset |
Eurostat Eurostat |
Population by sex, citizenship and NUTS 3 regions | Dataset |
Eurostat Eurostat |
Population by single year of age and NUTS 3 region | Dataset |
Eurostat Eurostat |
Population change - Demographic balance and crude rates at regional level (NUTS 3) | Dataset |
Eurostat Eurostat |
Population on 1 January by age group, sex and NUTS 3 region | Dataset |
Eurostat Eurostat |
Population on 1 January by broad age group, sex and NUTS 3 region | Dataset |
Eurostat Eurostat |
Population: Structure indicators by NUTS 3 region | Dataset |
Eurostat Eurostat |
Private households by composition, age group of children and NUTS 3 regions | Dataset |
Eurostat Eurostat |
Private households by composition, size and NUTS 3 regions | Dataset |
Eurostat Eurostat |
Structure of agricultural holdings by NUTS 3 regions - main indicators | Dataset |
Eurostat Eurostat |
Total and active population by sex, age, employment status, residence one year prior to the census and NUTS 3 regions | Dataset |
Eurostat Eurostat |