Land Occupation Based on the Land Register per Municipality and per year since 1982
Total unbuilt plots (1TOT)
agricultural land nes (1AE)
pastures, meadows (1BC)
gardens and parks (1DI)
orchards (1F)
wood (1G)
empty and vague lands (1H)
leisure, sports (1J)
cadastral waters (1K)
cadastral paths (1L)
others (1MNOP)
Total built plots (2TOT)
apartments (2A1A2)
apartment buildings (2B)
houses, farms (2C)
annexes, including greenhouses (2DEF)
workshops and industrial buildings (2G)
storage buildings (2H)
banks, offices (2I)
commercial buildings (2JK)
public buildings (2L)
public utility equipment (2M)
buildings for social assistance and health care (2N)
buildings for education, research and culture (2O)
buildings intended for worship (2P)
buildings intended for recreation, sports (2Q)
others (2RST)
non-standardized plots (3TOT)
cadastral area (4TOT)
non-cadastral area (5TOT)
total area (6TOT)
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