
The Transformative Potential of K12 Systems Based Urban Resiliency Curriculum

Behaviour change and education are vital levers in progressing towards the future sustainable cities we want to see. In preparing youth for this challenge, the need for new teaching methods has been identified by multiple experts across the world. Due to the projected impact of human settlement on the planet, a K12 curricular framework that addresses the intersection of natural and built systems is needed. This subject of this proposal is a case study on the design and implementation of one such program. A K12 systems-based urban resiliency curriculum can introduce many of the AScUS topics to youth and community at large in an engaging, motivational and positive way, thus paving the way for creating future leaders, creators, thinkers and designers. Sharing this work with the AScUS community will help others imagine WHY using the city as context for reframing education is necessary, WHERE to identify the connection points within traditional subject mater, and HOW blending current trends in curriculum design can achieve a systems-based approach. The research and methodological review of existing standards, themes and methods in this subject area revealed an opportunity to create a dynamic new framework that is inclusive, flexible and encompassing. In 2018 & 2019, the work was selected globally by peer-reviewed panels for exhibits, workshops, and papers for K12-education, academia, professional and NGO conferences which demonstrates a shared desire to transform current paradigms. Global piloting in culturally diverse geographic and economic settings proved that the framework essentials are robust and can be applied in a wide variety of settings. In this UN-SDG “DecadeOfAction”, behaviour change will be achieved through creating awareness. New education paradigms and thought models need to be created and implemented. Key words: Human Behavior; Urban Sustainability; UN -SDGs; Human Geography; Circular Economy; STEAM Education; Systems Education; K12 Education; Environmental Education; Resilience; Global Citizenship

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