4.18. Waste flows
Title | Type | Spaces | Author(s) | Year |
Brussels Waste - 2011 | Dataset | Brussels | None | |
Builders rubble entering disposal facilities | Dataset | Cape Town | None | |
Garden greens entering disposal facilities | Dataset | Cape Town | None | |
General waste entering disposal facilities | Dataset | Cape Town | None | |
Hazardous waste entering disposal facilities | Dataset | Cape Town | None | |
Household waste | Dataset | The Hague | None | |
MODELING AND SIMULATION OF PROCESS SUSTAINABILITY IN WASTE MANAGEMENT IN SINGAPORE | Presentation | Singapore | Q. Z. Yang Fengyu Yang Zhiqi Shen Q. Z. Yang Fengyu Yang Zhiqi Shen | |
Manejo de escombros, un reto para el Valle de Aburrá | Webpage | Medellín | Asociación Colombiana de Ingeniería Sanitaria y Ambiental Asociación Colombiana de Ingeniería Sanitaria y Ambiental | |
NDUBA dumpsite to be upgraded to a modern landfill to treat solid waste in Kigali city. | Webpage | Kigali | Water and Corporation Water and Sanitation Corporation | |
Number of demolished houses | Dataset | The Hague | None | |
Planta de Compostaje de Migas Calientes de la ciudad de Madrid | Report | Madrid | Ayuntamiento de Madrid Ayuntamiento de Madrid | |
Recycling in Rennes | Dataset | Rennes | None | |
Tonelaje dispuesto por municipio por mes 2018-2019-2020 | Dataset | Buenos Aires | CEAMSE CEAMSE | |
Waste Statistics and Overall Recycling | Webpage | Singapore | National Environment Agency National Environment Agency | |
Economy-Wide Material Flow Accounts of Canton Vaud and Geneva, Switzerland | Dataset | Geneva Lausanne | Wiedmann et al. Nicole Wiedmann, Aristide Athanassiadis, Claudia R. Binder | 2021 |
Entsorgungskalender Bioabfall | Dataset | Zurich | Open Data Zürich Open Data Zürich | 2021 |
cardboard waste disposal | Dataset | Zurich | Open Data Zürich Open Data Zürich | 2021 |
waste disposal | Dataset | Zurich | Open Data Zürich Open Data Zürich | 2021 |
2019 Annual Report for the Vancouver Landfill | Report | City of Vancouver Metro Vancouver Regional District | City of Vancouver City of Vancouver | 2020 |
Estado anual de los recursos naturales y del ambiente del municipio de Medellín - Vigencia 2019 | Report | Medellín | Contraloría General de Medellín. Contraloría General de Medellín. | 2020 |
Inventaire 2019 déchets des entreprises | Report | Geneva | Canton de Genève Canton de Genève | 2020 |
Inventaire 2019: Déchets urbains communaux et état des collectes sélectives | Report | Geneva | Canton de Genève Canton de Genève | 2020 |
Plan de gestion des déchets du Canton de Vaud | Report | Lausanne | Canton de Vaud Canton de Vaud | 2020 |
Promedio de toneladas por día de residuos transportados hacia las Estaciones de Transferencia CEAMSE | Dataset | Buenos Aires | Mariella Uchida Mariella Uchida | 2020 |
Promedio de toneladas por día dispuestos en los Complejos Ambientales CEAMSE | Dataset | Buenos Aires | Mariella Uchida Mariella Uchida | 2020 |
Rapport d’exploitation valorisation des déchets 2019 | Report | Geneva | SIG - Services Industriels Genevois SIG - Services Industriels Genevois | 2020 |
Waste Collection and Treatment | Dataset | Brussels | Environnement.Brussels - Leefmilieu.Brussels Environnement.Brussels - Leefmilieu.Brussels | 2020 |
waste management concept 2020-2030 | Report | Berlin | Verkehr und Klimaschutz Berlin Senatsverwaltung für Umwelt Senatsverwaltung für Umwelt, Verkehr und Klimaschutz Berlin | 2020 |
2018 Annual Report for the Vancouver Landfill | Report | City of Vancouver Metro Vancouver Regional District | City of Vancouver City of Vancouver | 2019 |
An integrated approach to waste management in Metro Vancouver: challenges and opportunities | Conference Paper | Metro Vancouver Regional District | Micsoniu et al. Alexandru Micsoniu, Sam Hadavi, Wisutthachon Triwiang, Michal Aibin | 2019 |
Assessing Waste Management in Kigali | Report | Kigali | Anirudh Rajashekar Anirudh Rajashekar | 2019 |
Déchets collectés par district en Canton Vaud | Dataset | Lausanne | STATVD STATVD | 2019 |
Déchets incinérés, selon le type, depuis 2000 | Dataset | Geneva | OCSTAT - Genève OCSTAT - Genève | 2019 |
Déchets mis en décharge, selon le type, depuis 2000 | Dataset | Geneva | OCSTAT - Genève OCSTAT - Genève | 2019 |
Déchets ménagers incinérés ou triés, selon le type, par commune 2005-2018 | Dataset | Geneva | OCSTAT - Genève OCSTAT - Genève | 2019 |
Déchets recyclés, selon le type, depuis 2000 | Dataset | Geneva | OCSTAT - Genève OCSTAT - Genève | 2019 |
Déchets spéciaux, selon le type, depuis 2004 | Dataset | Geneva | OCSTAT - Genève OCSTAT - Genève | 2019 |
Flujo de residuos en Cataluña | Dataset | Barcelona | IDESCAT (Instituto de Estadística de Cataluña) IDESCAT (Instituto de Estadística de Cataluña) | 2019 |
Informe de Calidad de vida Medellín 2018 | Report | Medellín | PROANTIOQUIA et al. PROANTIOQUIA, Universidad EAFIT, Fundación CORONA, COMFAMA, Comfenalco, Cámara de Comercio , El Colombiano. | 2019 |
Material Flow Accounts of Catalonia | Dataset | Barcelona | Statistical Institute of Catalonia Statistical Institute of Catalonia | 2019 |
PIKITUP JOHANNESBURG SOC LIMITED- 2018/19 MIDYEAR PERFORMANCE REPORT | Report | Johannesburg | Pikitup Pikitup | 2019 |
Pesaje por tipo de residuos y por Punto Verde 2015-2016 | Dataset | Buenos Aires | Agencia de Protección Ambiental Agencia de Protección Ambiental | 2019 |
Preocupa el aumento y el mal manejo de las basuras en Medellín | Journal Article | Medellín | Javier Nieto Javier Nieto | 2019 |
Reciclaje : Economía Circular | Report | Medellín | Alcaldía de Medellín Alcaldía de Medellín | 2019 |
Statistiques Eau et Déchets - Lausanne | Dataset | Lausanne | Ville de Lausanne Ville de Lausanne | 2019 |
Toneladas procesadas de residuos PET 2018 | Dataset | Buenos Aires | Ministerio de Ambiente y Espacio Público Ministerio de Ambiente y Espacio Público | 2019 |
Toneladas procesadas de residuos forestales 2018 | Dataset | Buenos Aires | Ministerio de Ambiente y Espacio Público Ministerio de Ambiente y Espacio Público | 2019 |
Toneladas procesadas de residuos orgánicos 2018 | Dataset | Buenos Aires | Ministerio de Ambiente y Espacio Público Ministerio de Ambiente y Espacio Público | 2019 |
Toneladas procesadas de residuos áridos 2018 | Dataset | Buenos Aires | Ministerio de Ambiente y Espacio Público Ministerio de Ambiente y Espacio Público | 2019 |
Waste collection and valorisation | Dataset | Brussels | Statistics and (BISA) Brussels Institute for Statistics and Analysis (BISA) | 2019 |
Actualización Inventario de Emisiones Atmosféricas del Valle de Aburrá- Año 2016 | Report | Bello Medellín | Área Metropolitana del Valle de Aburrá -AMVA Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana -UPB Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana -UPB , Área Metropolitana del Valle de Aburrá -AMVA | 2018 |
Antioquia trata el 85% de sus residuos peligrosos | Journal Article | Medellín | El Tiempo El Tiempo | 2018 |
Household food waste disposal in South Africa: A case study of Johannesburg and Ekurhuleni | Journal Article | Johannesburg | Suzan Oelofse Aubrey Muswema Fhumulani Ramukhwatho Suzan Oelofse Aubrey Muswema Fhumulani Ramukhwatho | 2018 |
Integration of Waste Supply and Use Data into Regional Footprints: Case Study on the Generation and Use of Waste from Consumption and Production Activities in Brussels | Journal Article | Brussels | Zeller et al. Zeller, Vanessa; Towa, Edgar; Degrez, Marc; Achten, Wouter M.J. | 2018 |
Metro Vancouver's Regional Services 2019 - Solid Waste | Video Recording | Metro Vancouver Regional District | Metro Vancouver Metro Vancouver | 2018 |
Report on the environmental impacts of the draft resource and waste management plan | Report | Brussels | Environnement.Brussels - Leefmilieu.Brussels Environnement.Brussels - Leefmilieu.Brussels | 2018 |
The Economics of Low Carbon Cities | Report | Kigali | Andy Goulson Andy Goulson | 2018 |
Waste Market Intelligence Report 2018 | Report | Cape Town | GreenCape GreenCape | 2018 |
Censo Nacional de Gobiernos Municipales y Delegacionales 2017. Apartado: Residuos Sólidos Urbanos | Dataset | Ciudad de México Ciudad del Carmen Mérida Valladolid | INEGI INEGI | 2017 |
Circular Economy in the Construction Sector in Brussels: State of the Art, Challenges and Future Model | Report | Brussels | Athanassiadis et al. Dr. Aristide Athanassiadis, Yves Bettignies, Prof. Ph. Bouillard | 2017 |
From informality to formality: Perspectives on the challenges of integrating solid waste management into the urban development and planning policy in Johannesburg, South Africa | Journal Article | Johannesburg | Simatele et al. Danny Mulala Simatele, Smangele Dlamini, Nzalalemba Serge Kubanza | 2017 |
PIKITUP JOHANNESBURG SOC LIMITED- 2017/18 MIDYEAR PERFORMANCE REPORT | Report | Johannesburg | Pikitup Pikitup | 2017 |
Waste Market Intelligence Report 2017 | Report | Cape Town | GreenCape GreenCape | 2017 |
Waste Quantification at the Johannesburg Market for the City of Johannesburg Waste to Energy Programme | Journal Article | Johannesburg | Kukoyi et al. Temitope O. Kukoyi, Edison Muzenda, Esther T. Akinlabi, Able Mashamba, Charles Mbohwa, Thabo Mahlatsi | 2017 |
Anadia Waste Flows for 2016 | Dataset | Anadia | Câmara Municipal de Anadia Câmara Municipal de Anadia | 2016 |
Estrategia de residuos del Ayuntamiento de Madrid | Report | Madrid | Ayuntamiento de Madrid Ayuntamiento de Madrid | 2016 |
MATERIAL FLOW ANALYSIS ON A LANDFILL SITE IN JOHANNESBURG | Thesis | Johannesburg | Opeyemi Olaleye Akinsulie Opeyemi Olaleye Akinsulie | 2016 |
PIKITUP JOHANNESBURG SOC LIMITED- 2016/17 MIDYEAR PERFORMANCE REPORT | Report | Johannesburg | Pikitup Pikitup | 2016 |
Post-mining landscapes within the City of Johannesburg Metropolitan Municipality: Assessing the opportunity to create Stone paper from rock wastes (Builder’s rubble, mine tailings and mine dumps). | Report | Johannesburg | Resources et al. Dr William H.L Stafford Natural Resources and the Environment Unit Council for Scientific and Industrial Research | 2016 |
Research on Landfill and Composting Guidelines in Kigali City, Rwanda based on China's experience | Journal Article | Kigali | Josephine Isugi Josephine Isugi | 2016 |
Waste Market Intelligence Report 2016 | Report | Cape Town | GreenCape GreenCape | 2016 |
Estudio de calidad de los residuos sólidos urbanos de la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires 2015 | Report | Buenos Aires | CEAMSE Instituto de Ingeniería Sanitaria y Ambiental de la Universidad de Buenos Aires Instituto de Ingeniería Sanitaria y Ambiental de la Universidad de Buenos Aires, CEAMSE | 2015 |
Hydrological Heritage Overview: Johannesburg: Gold in the Rand, Water from the Land | Report | Johannesburg | A publication of the Water Research Commission of South Africa Matthys A. Dippenaar (with photographic contribution by Gerrit Burger) A publication of the Water Research Commission of South Africa Matthys A. Dippenaar (with photographic contribution by Gerrit Burger) | 2015 |
PIKITUP JOHANNESBURG SOC LIMITED- 2015/16 MIDYEAR PERFORMANCE REPORT | Report | Johannesburg | Pikitup Pikitup | 2015 |
Plan Nacional de Agua Potable y Saneamiento | Report | Rosario | Dirección Nacional de agua potable y Saneamiento. Subsecretaría de Asuntos Hídricos. Secretaria de Obras Públicas. Dirección Nacional de agua potable y Saneamiento. Subsecretaría de Asuntos Hídricos. Secretaria de Obras Públicas. | 2015 |
Tonelaje dispuesto por municipio por mes 2015 | Dataset | Buenos Aires | CEAMSE CEAMSE | 2015 |
Comptabilité des flux de matières dans les régions et les départements de France | Dataset | Paris | du développement durable et de l'énergie Pascale Repellin (Alterre Bourgogne) Benoît Duret (agence de conseil Mydiane) Sabine Barles (université Panthéon-Sorbonne Paris 1) Commissariat général au développement durable • Service de l’observation et des statistiques Ministère de l'écologie Commissariat général au développement durable • Service de l’observation et des statistiques Ministère de l'écologie, du développement durable et de l'énergie Pascale Repellin (Alterre Bourgogne) Benoît Duret (agence de conseil Mydiane) Sabine Barles (université Panthéon-Sorbonne Paris 1) | 2014 |
Monitoring of the quantities of industrial waste generated in the Brussels-Capital Region in 2010, 2011 and 2012 and their treatment methods | Report | Brussels | Recydata Recydata | 2014 |
La Gestión de residuos y desechos sólidos en el Área Metropolitana de Caracas | Report | Caracas | Luisa Villalba (Instituto Latinoamericano de Investigaciones Sociales) Luisa Villalba (Instituto Latinoamericano de Investigaciones Sociales) | 2013 |
Metro Vancouver Zeros In On Food Scraps Collection | Magazine Article | Metro Vancouver Regional District | Rhodes Yepsen Rhodes Yepsen | 2011 |
Flows and fates of nickel--cadmium batteries in the City of Cape Town | Journal Article | Cape Town | Mason-Jones and von Blottnitz Mason-Jones, Kyle and von Blottnitz, Harro | 2010 |
Interactive map of materials, stocks, energy and water | Dataset | Paris | Métabolisme urbain de Paris Métabolisme urbain de Paris | 2010 |
Overview of cadmium flows (kg) from NiCd use in Cape Town in 2005 | Data visualisation | Cape Town | Mason-Jones and Blottnitz Mason-Jones and von Blottnitz | 2010 |
Yard Trimmings, Food Waste Composting In Vancouver Region | Magazine Article | Metro Vancouver Regional District | Molly Farrell Tucker Molly Farrell Tucker | 2010 |
Diagnostico de saneamiento integral de la region de Cajamarca | Report | Cajamarca Jaen | Equipo Consultor – CARE PERÚ Equipo Consultor – CARE PERÚ | 2008 |
Impact Assessment of Waste Management Options in I Singapore | Journal Article | Singapore | Tan and Khoo Reginald B.H. Tan and Hsien H. Khoo | 2008 |
SECOND NATIONAL COMMUNICATION UNDER THE UNITED NATIONS FRAMEWORK CONVENTION ON CLIMATE CHANGE (U.N.F.C.C.C) | Report | Kigali | Rwanda Ministry of Natural Resources Rwanda Ministry of Natural Resources | 2006 |