4.06. Flows: Consumption
Title | Type | Spaces | Author(s) | Year |
Average electricity consumption per house | Dataset | The Hague | None | |
Average gas consumption for all house types | Dataset | The Hague | None | |
City-wide water consumption | Dataset | Cape Town | None | |
Electricity Consumption by Sub-Sector (Total) | Dataset | Singapore | None | |
Johannesburg Water | Webpage | Johannesburg | Johannesburg Water Johannesburg Water | |
Mis consumos en el hogar. Agua | Webpage | Medellín | Empresas Publicas de Medellín Empresas Publicas de Medellín | |
Mis consumos en el hogar. Energía | Webpage | Medellín | Empresas públicas de Medellín Empresas públicas de Medellín | |
National Cleaner Production Centre of South Africa: Case studies | Webpage | Johannesburg | National Cleaner Production Centre of South Africa National Cleaner Production Centre of South Africa | |
STAT-TAB - interactive tables (FSO) | Webpage | Geneva Lausanne Zurich | Swiss Federal Statistical Office Swiss Federal Statistical Office | |
Sankey flows example | Dataset | Munich | Frank Aké Frank Aké | |
Total water consumption | Dataset | The Hague | None | |
Water Sales, Annual | Dataset | Singapore | None | |
Water consumption | Dataset | The Hague | None | |
Sankey-example_fuits | Dataset | Munich | MoC MoC | 2021 |
Assainissement des eaux usées - Rapport d’exploitation | Report | Geneva | SIG - Services Industriels Genevois SIG - Services Industriels Genevois | 2020 |
Bilan de l’épuration vaudoise | Report | Lausanne | Canton de Vaud Canton de Vaud | 2020 |
Consommation de l'eau distribuée par les Services industriels de Genève, depuis 1985 | Dataset | Geneva | OCSTAT - Genève OCSTAT - Genève | 2020 |
Consumo de Agua | Dataset | Barranquilla | Sistema Único de Información de Servicios Públicos Domiciliarios Sistema Único de Información de Servicios Públicos Domiciliarios | 2020 |
Consumo de Energía Semestre 1 - 2020 | Dataset | Barranquilla | Sistema Único de Información de Servicios Públicos Domiciliarios Sistema Único de Información de Servicios Públicos Domiciliarios | 2020 |
Electricity consumption data of a student residence in Southern Africa | Journal Article | Johannesburg | S.O.Masebinu et al. S.O.Masebinu, J.B.Holm-Nielsen, C.Mbohwa, S.Padmanaban, N.Nwulu | 2020 |
Estado anual de los recursos naturales y del ambiente del municipio de Medellín - Vigencia 2019 | Report | Medellín | Contraloría General de Medellín. Contraloría General de Medellín. | 2020 |
Evolución mensual del consumo de agua. 1995-2020 | Dataset | Barcelona | Ajuntament de Barcelona Ajuntament de Barcelona | 2020 |
Evolución mensual del consumo de electricidad. 1995-2020 | Dataset | Barcelona | Ajuntament de Barcelona Ajuntament de Barcelona | 2020 |
Evolución mensual del consumo de gas. 1998-2020 | Dataset | Barcelona | Ajuntament de Barcelona Ajuntament de Barcelona | 2020 |
Food Flows in Metro Vancouver | Report | Metro Vancouver Regional District | Davies Transportation Consulting Inc. Davies Transportation Consulting Inc. | 2020 |
Réserves de gravier vaudois, en m3 et en années de consommation, 1991-2019 | Dataset | Lausanne | STATVD STATVD | 2020 |
Sibelga (Gas+ Electricity) Annual Report Statistics 2003-2019 | Report | Brussels | Sibelga Sibelga | 2020 |
Water consumption per capita | Dataset | City of Vancouver | City of Vancouver City of Vancouver | 2020 |
Bilan des livraisons d'énergie aux consommateurs finals et émissions, depuis 1980 | Dataset | Geneva | OCSTAT - Genève OCSTAT - Genève | 2019 |
Comercialización de productos alimenticios perecederos por Mes según Grupo de producto | Dataset | Madrid | Ayuntamiento de Madrid Ayuntamiento de Madrid | 2019 |
Conceptualizing Household Energy Metabolism: A Methodological Contribution | Journal Article | Cape Town | Strydom et al. Strydom, Adél; Musango, Josephine Kaviti; Currie, Paul K. | 2019 |
Consommation final d’énergie en TJ, Vaud, par agent énergétique, 1996-2018 | Dataset | Lausanne | STATVD STATVD | 2019 |
Consumidores de electricidad por tipo em 2018 | Dataset | Anadia Aveiro Coimbra Lisbon Porto Portugal | DGEG DGEG | 2019 |
Consumo de agua (m3) por mes y por uso en la ciudad de Madrid (2019) | Dataset | Madrid | Madrid et al. Ayuntamiento de Madrid, Canal de Isabel II Gestión, S.A. | 2019 |
Consumo de electricidad por setor de atividad (2018) | Dataset | Anadia Aveiro Coimbra Lisbon Porto Portugal | DGEG DGEG | 2019 |
Electricidad facturada por actividad principal (kWh) en la ciudad de Madrid (2009-2019) | Dataset | Madrid | Ayuntamiento de Madrid Ayuntamiento de Madrid | 2019 |
Electricity and gas consumption in Lausanne | Dataset | Lausanne | Ville de Lausanne. Service de l'économie. Office d'appui économique et statistique. Ville de Lausanne. Service de l'économie. Office d'appui économique et statistique. | 2019 |
Energy Report Municipality of The Hague | Report | The Hague | Lokale Energie Etalage Lokale Energie Etalage | 2019 |
Facturación de agua por Mes y Uso en la ciudad de Madrid (2009-2019) | Dataset | Madrid | Madrid et al. Ayuntamiento de Madrid, Canal de Isabel II Gestión, S.A | 2019 |
Gas consumption in Lausanne | Dataset | Lausanne | Ville de Lausanne. Service de l'économie. Office d'appui économique et statistique. Ville de Lausanne. Service de l'économie. Office d'appui économique et statistique. | 2019 |
Integrating lifecycle assessment and urban metabolism at city level: Comparison between Spanish cities | Journal Article | Bilbao Sevilla | González-García and Dias González-García, Sara and Dias, Ana Claudia | 2019 |
Johannesburg Water Integrated Annual Report 2018/19 | Report | Johannesburg | Johannesburg Water Johannesburg Water | 2019 |
Statistics in Electricity Sub-Sector as at December 2019 | Report | Kigali | Rwanda Utilities Regulatory Authority Rwanda Utilities Regulatory Authority | 2019 |
Vivaqua 2019 Activity Report | Report | Brussels | Vivaqua Vivaqua | 2019 |
Consommation d'énergie à Paris | Dataset | Paris | Métabolisme urbain de Paris Métabolisme urbain de Paris | 2018 |
Consumo de electricidad por tipo de consumo | Dataset | Anadia Aveiro Coimbra Lisbon Porto Portugal | DGEG DGEG | 2018 |
Energy by industry in The Hague | Dataset | The Hague | Stedin Stedin | 2018 |
Memoria Anual 2018 _Producción de agua potable año 2018 | Report | Chimbote | Seda Chimbote S.A. Seda Chimbote S.A. | 2018 |
Social MFA: Scrap Metal in the Context of Cape Town | Thesis | Cape Town | Logan Gardner Logan Gardner | 2018 |
Temporal analysis of electricity consumption for prepaid metered low- and high-income households in Soweto, South Africa | Journal Article | Johannesburg | Njabulo Kambule and Mbohwa Njabulo Kambule, Kowiyou Yessoufou, Nnamdi Nwulu and Charles Mbohwa | 2018 |
Urban material and energy flows and their potential for synergetic use | Report | Kigali | Bernd Franke Bernd Franke | 2018 |
Atlas des Grandes Fonctions Métropolitaines- Logistiques | Report | Paris | ATELIER PARISIEN D’URBANISME ATELIER PARISIEN D’URBANISME | 2017 |
CONSUMER PREFERENCE ELECTRICITY USAGE PLAN FOR DEMAND SIDE MANAGEMENT IN THE SMART GRID | Journal Article | Johannesburg | O.M. Longe and Rimer O.M. Longe, K. Ouahada, H.C. Ferreira and S. Rimer | 2017 |
Enquête sur le budget des ménages, 2015–2017 - Quantités consommées | Dataset | Geneva Lausanne Zurich | OFS – Office fédéral de Statistique OFS – Office fédéral de Statistique | 2017 |
Scenarios for achieving absolute reductions in phosphorus consumption in Singapore | Journal Article | Singapore Singapore | Pearce and Chertow Pearce, Bin Bin J.; Chertow, Marian | 2017 |
Agua facturada de acueducto en la cabecera de los municipios de Antioquia (m3) según tipo de servicio.Año 2017 | Dataset | Bello Medellín | Gobernación de Antioquia Gobernación de Antioquia | 2016 |
Consumo de energía eléctrica (kilovatios/hora) en la cabecera de los municipios de Antioquia, según tipo de servicio y estrato. Año 2017 | Dataset | Medellín | Gobernación de Antioquia Gobernación de Antioquia | 2016 |
Consommation alimentaire par habitant en Suisse | Dataset | Geneva Lausanne Zurich | OFS - Office fédéral de Statistique OFS - Office fédéral de Statistique | 2015 |
Hydrological Heritage Overview: Johannesburg: Gold in the Rand, Water from the Land | Report | Johannesburg | A publication of the Water Research Commission of South Africa Matthys A. Dippenaar (with photographic contribution by Gerrit Burger) A publication of the Water Research Commission of South Africa Matthys A. Dippenaar (with photographic contribution by Gerrit Burger) | 2015 |
Industrial Energy Efficiency Project in South Africa Case Study – EnMS | Report | Johannesburg | National Cleaner Production Centre South Africa National Cleaner Production Centre South Africa | 2015 |
El Consumo de energía en la Ciudad de Buenos Aires en 2013 | Report | Buenos Aires | Dirección General de Estadística y Censos Dirección General de Estadística y Censos | 2014 |
Energy Generation through Solar Panels 1997-2013 | Dataset | Brussels | Environnement.Brussels - Leefmilieu.Brussels Environnement.Brussels - Leefmilieu.Brussels | 2014 |
LOCAL GOVERNMENT ENERGY EFFICIENCY AND RENEWABLE ENERGY STRATEGY: STATUS QUO REPORT | Report | Johannesburg | South African Local Government Association South African Local Government Association | 2014 |
Primary Production of Energy from Renewable Sources 1990-2013 | Dataset | Brussels | Environnement.Brussels - Leefmilieu.Brussels Environnement.Brussels - Leefmilieu.Brussels | 2014 |
Water Supply Sectors | Dataset | Brussels | Environnement.Brussels - Leefmilieu.Brussels Environnement.Brussels - Leefmilieu.Brussels | 2014 |
Anexo Estadístico : Consumo de Alimentos y Bebidas | Dataset | Chimbote | Perú: Consumo per cápita de los principales alimentos 2008 - 2009 (Encuesta Nacional de Presupuestos Familiares -ENAPREF) Perú: Consumo per cápita de los principales alimentos 2008 - 2009 (Encuesta Nacional de Presupuestos Familiares -ENAPREF) | 2012 |
Grain, meat and vegetables to feed Paris: where did and do they come from? Localising Paris food supply areas from the eighteenth to the twenty-first century | Journal Article | Paris | G. Billen • S. Barles • P. Chatzimpiros • J. Garnier G. Billen • S. Barles • P. Chatzimpiros • J. Garnier | 2012 |
Perú: Consumo per cápita de los principales alimentos 2008 - 2009 - (Encuesta Nacional de Presupuestos Familiares (ENAPREF) | Book | Chimbote | INEI - Instituto Nacional de Estadística e Informática. INEI - Instituto Nacional de Estadística e Informática. | 2012 |
Table of water consumption (tertiary sector and households) in BCR | Dataset | Brussels | Environnement.Brussels - Leefmilieu.Brussels Environnement.Brussels - Leefmilieu.Brussels | 2012 |
EICV3 THEMATIC REPORT Agriculture | Report | Kigali | National Institute of Statistics Rwanda National Institute of Statistics Rwanda | 2011 |
Modeling the water consumption of Singapore using system dynamics | Thesis | Singapore | Karen Noiva Welling Welling, Karen Noiva | 2011 |
Plan Municipal de Gestión del Agua en la ciudad de Madrid | Report | Madrid | Ayuntamiento de Madrid Ayuntamiento de Madrid | 2011 |
Síntesis del diagnóstico y diseño del plan de abastecimiento y distribución de alimentos para la ciudad de medellín –PADAM | Report | Medellín | Universidad Nacional de Colombia UNAL Alcaldía de Medellín Alcaldía de Medellín, Universidad Nacional de Colombia UNAL | 2011 |
The Material Consumption of Singapore’s Economy: An Industrial Ecology Approach | Book Section | Singapore Singapore | Chertow et al. Chertow, Marian; Choi, Esther S; Lee, Keith | 2011 |
Flows and fates of nickel--cadmium batteries in the City of Cape Town | Journal Article | Cape Town | Mason-Jones and von Blottnitz Mason-Jones, Kyle and von Blottnitz, Harro | 2010 |
Overview of cadmium flows (kg) from NiCd use in Cape Town in 2005 | Data visualisation | Cape Town | Mason-Jones and Blottnitz Mason-Jones and von Blottnitz | 2010 |
El Sistema Eléctrico de la ciudad de Madrid | Report | Madrid | Ayuntamiento de Madrid Ayuntamiento de Madrid | 2009 |
A material flow analysis of wood and paper in Cape Town: is there potential to redirect flows in formal and informal sectors to foster use as a renewable resource? | Journal Article | Cape Town | Nissing and von Blottnitz Nissing, Christian and von Blottnitz, Harro | 2007 |
Plan maestro optimizado sedachimbote sa - Sunass 2008- 2037 ( Regional) | Report | Chimbote | EPS SEDACHIMBOTE S.A EPS SEDACHIMBOTE S.A | 2007 |
SECOND NATIONAL COMMUNICATION UNDER THE UNITED NATIONS FRAMEWORK CONVENTION ON CLIMATE CHANGE (U.N.F.C.C.C) | Report | Kigali | Rwanda Ministry of Natural Resources Rwanda Ministry of Natural Resources | 2006 |