Community Portal

Trapp Anne-Charlotte
  • Signed up 3 years, 9 months ago
  • Last seen 3 years, 9 months ago

Completed tasks

Date Task Project Points
Nov 27, 2020 Report uploaded to the library
Circular Economy in the Construction Sector in Brussels: State of the Art, Challenges and Future Model
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Nov 27, 2020 Thesis uploaded to the library
Logistics: location of activities and territorial impacts
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Nov 27, 2020 Journal Article uploaded to the library
Coherent Mapping for Integrated Water Management in Brussels
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Nov 27, 2020 Document uploaded to the library
Good Food Strategy "Towards a Sustainable Food System in the Brussels-Capital Region"
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Total 16