Community Portal

Brian Nap
Brian Nap
  • Signed up 4 years, 7 months ago
  • Last seen 4 years, 3 months ago

Hello I'm Brian Nap. I am working as urban designer at the municipality of Den Haag, Netherlands. Here I work on designing a more sustainable world through urban design. I graduated at TU Delft from the department Urbanism. My specialty and master thesis were about Smart City/Urban Metabolism. I have skills in mapping and drawing. Using GIS and Illustrator to communicate anything in as clear of visual representation as possible.

Research interests

My passions within the field of urban design and planning are in energy transition/landscapes, smart mobility, urban metabolism and circularity. I believe in using data and research to create a strong foundation for design. I also think that a good graphical illustration or maps can help to communicate complex theory to anyone.
