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Document name Barcelona drinking fountains of the city of Barcelona
File name 2020_fonts_beure.csv
Extension .csv
Document type Comma separated file

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Showing the first 20 rows below (1710 rows in total).
0 01-001 porta principal Zoo (Wellington) C WELLINGTON 21.I 432267.789812 4.582117e+06 41.387735 2.189875
1 01-004 Sant Carles C COMTE DE SANTA CLARA 11 432182.782442 4.581165e+06 41.379146 2.188965
2 01-005 C. Carbonell C CARBONELL 9 432076.454299 4.581431e+06 41.381533 2.187664
3 01-006 Balboa C BALBOA 9 432109.474876 4.581500e+06 41.382160 2.188051
4 01-007 Ocata C MARQUESA 13 431886.355670 4.581650e+06 41.383490 2.185366
5 01-008 costat llac PARC CIUTADELLA 20.I 432013.030518 4.582262e+06 41.389015 2.186812
6 01-009 davant cascada PG JOAQUIM RENART 20-10 431939.550709 4.582302e+06 41.389369 2.185929
7 01-011 entre Hivernacle i museu PG PICASSO 12.I 431788.328927 4.582098e+06 41.387522 2.184143
8 01-013 Magdalenes C CAPELLANS 20-18 430985.475957 4.581871e+06 41.385405 2.174567
9 01-015 biblioteca PAS INSTITUT ESCOLA 16.I 432031.819507 4.582125e+06 41.387784 2.187052
10 01-016 PL DUC DE MEDINACELI 1-1.B 431322.600569 4.581093e+06 41.378428 2.178687
11 01-017 Santa Madrona C MONTSERRAT 12-14 431045.678784 4.580914e+06 41.376796 2.175396
12 01-018 Hotel Rivoli C LA RAMBLA 128 430691.524455 4.581733e+06 41.384138 2.171068
13 01-019 magatzems Sepu C LA RAMBLA 120 430722.414002 4.581667e+06 41.383547 2.171444
14 01-022 Salvador Seguí PL SALVADOR SEGUÍ 16-17 430670.450008 4.581152e+06 41.378904 2.170882
15 01-023 Peu de la Creu C PEU DE LA CREU 32 430285.160829 4.581339e+06 41.380551 2.166253
16 01-026 Dames C DAMES 6 431701.245535 4.581670e+06 41.383653 2.183150
17 01-027 Mestrança / Meer C MEER 18 432261.071887 4.581076e+06 41.378351 2.189911
18 01-031 PG PICASSO 44-42 431889.437566 4.581899e+06 41.385732 2.185375
19 01-032 Fusteria PL ANTONIO LOPEZ 1 431550.293335 4.581411e+06 41.381309 2.181374
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  • Uploaded by
    María Gracia Yepez
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  • Assigned to
    Nina Turull Puig

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Task was assigned to Nina and status was changed: Open → In Progress

Status change: In Progress → Completed