Data contribution hub


Layer 4: Stocks and flows

4.08. Stocks: Buildings

How many buildings are present within the territory? Look for shapefiles with building outlines, or reports that contain quantities (total surface area, building heights, etc). Data on the type of materials used is also very helpful. The local cadaster may be a useful first point of inquiry.


Title Type Author(s) Year
Embodied requirement of the City of Melbourne's buildings Dataset Aristide Athanassiadis Andre Stephan 2017 Add image
Material stock of the City of Melbourne per material Dataset Aristide Athanassiadis Andre Stephan 2017 Add image
Embodied resource requirements of the City of Melbourne's buildings Shapefile Stephan and Athanassiadis 2015 Add image

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Discussion and questions

Hey Paul, just added the shapefiles for Melbourne. Quick questions I'm now adding the relevant datasets for the stock 4.08 (material quantities per building).

The results were aggregated in a paper we wrote ( but we just presented the maps and not the raw data. So the data is not yet available elsewhere in that form.

Should I therefore say that the source is an article or a dataset?

Yeah that's a good one. I've seen those situations before. What I would personally lean towards is to call this a dataset, give it its own name, and make mention that this is linked to / was in some sense part of the paper. Would that make sense?

Hmm ok I guess I'll add that in the description. Thanks!

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