
GCRO DATA BRIEF: NO. 6 Informal sector enterprise and employment in Gauteng

1. Introduction 3
2. Informal entrepreneurship 5
2.1 Types of businesses 8
2.2 Ages of businesses 10
2.3 Sources of supplies for informal businesses 13
2.4 Interprovincial and international entrepreneurship 15
3. Use of the informal sector and attitudes to street trading 17
3.1 Who uses the informal sector, where and for what? 17
3.2 Reasons for using/not using the informal sector 18
3.3 Attitudes to street trading 22
4. Informal employment 26
4.1 Who is employed in the informal sector and where? 26
4.2 Informal employment and working conditions 30
5. Income from the informal sector 33
5.1 Income and informal entrepreneurship 33
5.2 Debt and informal entrepreneurs 36
5.3 Informal employment and income 36
6. Conclusion 39

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