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JaenLayer 2: Biophysical characteristics
2.7. Mineral deposits
Are there any (known) mineral deposits within the area of study? Information can be provided in the form of a shapefile, report, or image (map). Insights into the size and accessibility of these deposits is very useful. Reports or resources that confirm the absence of mineral deposits should also be uploaded. Information on active mines should be uploaded to Layer 4.
Title | Type | Author(s) | Year | |
ESTUDIO DE GEOLOGÍA | Report | Autor: Ing. M.Sc. Gilberto Cruzado Vásquez Actualizado: Ing. Mirton E. Crisólogo Rodríguez Autor: Ing. M.Sc. Gilberto Cruzado Vásquez Actualizado: Ing. Mirton E. Crisólogo Rodríguez | 2011 | Add image |