Data contribution hub


Layer 3: Infrastructure

3.30. Waste

An important category, which should include landfill sites, waste incinerators, waste drop-off sites, and waste transfer stations. Some of these may be located outside of the system boundaries, but in that case it is useful to upload relevant documents to support this finding.


Title Type Author(s) Year
Corbeilles en Ville de Genève Shapefile SITG - Le territoire Genevois à la carte 2020 Add image
Installations de traitement des déchets du Canton de Genève Shapefile SITG - Le territoire Genevoise à la carte Nicole Wiedmann 2020 Add image
Levée papier et carton Ville de Genève Shapefile SITG - Le territoire Genevois à la carte 2020 Add image
Points de collecte des déchets du Canton de Genève Shapefile SITG - Le territoire Genevois à la carte 2020 Add image
Recycling Map Map Coopérative IGORA Google Maps 2020 Add image
Guide des déchets de chantier Report géologie et al. 2017 Add image

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Discussion and questions

Hi !
I did something wrong while processing the "Installations de traitement des déchets du Canton de Genève" shapefile. How can I delete the processed data or edit it (the map editor is not enough)?
Thank you! :-)

Hi Nicole, I have added an option that makes the file in question re-appear in the pending list. You can now fix what is wrong and the system will overwrite the existing information.

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