@article{garnett2018a, title = {A spatial overview of the global importance of Indigenous lands for conservation} author = {Garnett, Stephen T and Burgess, Neil D and Fa, John E and Fern{\'a}ndez-Llamazares, {\'A}lvaro and Moln{\'a}r, Zsolt and Robinson, Cathy J and Watson, James EM and Zander, Kerstin K and Austin, Beau and Brondizio, Eduardo S and others}, url = {https://www.nature.com/articles/s41893-018-0100-6?ss_source=sscampaigns&ss_campaign_id=5c424fe9d20e280001eb02bf&ss_email_id=5c5cf4c39bca21000175c9fd&ss_campaign_name=Introducing+the+Interfaith+Rainforest+Initiative&ss_campaign_sent_date=2019-02-08T03:17:24Z}, year = {2018} }