637730.84 t |
Biomass |
Sevilla |
491946.69 t |
Crops (excluding fodder crops) |
Sevilla |
733.02 t |
Crop residues (used), fodder crops and grazed biomass |
Sevilla |
50129.27 t |
Wood |
Sevilla |
40921.86 t |
Wild fish catch, aquatic plants/animals, hunting and gathering |
Sevilla |
Live animals other than in 1.4, and animal products |
Sevilla |
Products mainly from biomass |
Sevilla |
787083.3 t |
Metal ores (gross ores) |
Sevilla |
139040.17 t |
Non-metallic minerals |
Sevilla |
9549.61 t |
Sand and gravel |
Sevilla |
2628706.35 t |
Fossil energy materials/carriers |
Sevilla |
155756.78 t |
Other products |
Sevilla |
1059.46 t |
Waste for final treatment and disposal |
Sevilla |
763744.4 t |
Biomass |
Sevilla |
565841.58 t |
Crops (excluding fodder crops) |
Sevilla |
751.29 t |
Crop residues (used), fodder crops and grazed biomass |
Sevilla |
61207.88 t |
Wood |
Sevilla |
40921.86 t |
Wild fish catch, aquatic plants/animals, hunting and gathering |
Sevilla |
3.3 t |
Live animals other than in 1.4, and animal products |
Sevilla |
21.79 t |
Products mainly from biomass |
Sevilla |
461515.04 t |
Metal ores (gross ores) |
Sevilla |
182668.02 t |
Non-metallic minerals |
Sevilla |
7417.88 t |
Sand and gravel |
Sevilla |
1384882.49 t |
Fossil energy materials/carriers |
Sevilla |
202267.82 t |
Other products |
Sevilla |
84.21 t |
Waste for final treatment and disposal |
Sevilla |