Map - Energy storage list


Energy storage list

Space Coordinates Description
ASN Bank [52.0856352, 4.331834992]
De Tempel [52.0823742, 4.293598859]
Eneco 41 woningen [52.07287886, 4.301999604]
Gebouwen GTI-terrein [52.07531016, 4.292750419]
Gezondheidscentrum De Brink, terrein Parnassia [52.04518467, 4.218425266]
Gezondheidscentrum Triple Ex, terrein Parnassia [52.0431169, 4.205782391]
Grotiustoren [52.08076634, 4.329163311]
Haagse Hoge Huys [52.06844855, 4.323810071]
HagaZiekenhuis [52.05458254, 4.262272813]
Hofzichtpark [52.08940099, 4.365439325]
Hogeschool INHolland [52.08391499, 4.329453584]
Hoofddirectie Rijkswaterstaat [52.08827652, 4.314758611]
Hoofdkantoor Shell International [52.09230062, 4.312473123]
Kantoor Hoge Raad [52.08380145, 4.316879391]
Kantoor IECF Vastgoed Rietveld [52.09295396, 4.320075146]
Kantoor KPMG en Hartstichting [52.05618102, 4.387690465]
Kantoor en showroom Louwman Retail BV [52.07032409, 4.38921235]
Kantoorcomplex Koningin Julianaplein [52.08242287, 4.323463248]
Kantoorgebouw Eurojust [52.09353186, 4.285197329]
Kantoorgebouw Europol [52.09260205, 4.281892974]
Kantoorgebouw Parnassia voor dubbele problematiek [52.05998485, 4.25010628]
Kantoorgebouw Politie Haaglanden [52.05373716, 4.392060835]
Kantorencomplex De Monarch 1 [52.08059648, 4.332274847]
Kantorencomplex De Monarch 2 [52.08101836, 4.333213209]
Kinderdagverblijf Compaan [52.02017198, 4.298468375]
Koninklijke Bibliotheek [52.08161058, 4.327086204]
Laakhaven-Westgebouw [52.06153425, 4.314670355]
MCH Westeinde Ziekenhuis [52.07369661, 4.293227506]
Ministerie Landbouw, Natuur en Voedselkwaliteit [52.08388502, 4.329118714]
Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken/Kon. Bibliotheek [52.08299008, 4.326557443]
Ministerie van Defensie [52.07823124, 4.317187739]
Ministerie van Economische Zaken [52.08482675, 4.330891086]
Ministerie van Financi?n [52.08227661, 4.317236859]
Motorhuis Kerktuinen [52.04699904, 4.252287576]
NIBC Bank BV [52.08832813, 4.297845411]
Nationaal Archief [52.08105294, 4.326048981]
Nationaal Automobielmuseum [52.10347584, 4.355994673]
Nederlands Congresgebouw [52.09160205, 4.285492972]
OV Terminal Den Haag Centraal Station [52.07672333, 4.329375643]
Paleis van Justitie [52.08252822, 4.33117881]
Parnassia verslavingskliniek [52.04546817, 4.21891352]
Politie Haaglanden [52.08943904, 4.356391347]
Prinsenhof [52.07860114, 4.338332418]
Project New-Babylon [52.08230294, 4.325114754]
Provinciehuis Zuid-Holland [52.08793827, 4.317101397]
Raad van State [52.08193255, 4.309074826]
Siemens Beatrixpark fase II [52.0788164, 4.339290224]
Siemens Beatrixpark fase III [52.0786574, 4.34162813]
Sophia Revalidatiecentrum [52.04139693, 4.267093682]
Spoorwijk II (Appartementen) [52.05194671, 4.31307757]
Stadhuis Den Haag [52.0793295, 4.319349801]
Stadskantoor Leyweg [52.04499628, 4.280808816]
Steigenberger Kurhaus Hotel [52.11286077, 4.280734906]
Stichting Florence [52.07466257, 4.252796593]
Stichting Internationaal Perscentrum Nieuwpoort [52.08017516, 4.313493942]
Stichting Samenwerkende Ziekenhuizen [52.07791549, 4.263947291]
The British School in The Netherlands [52.05684956, 4.4008863]
Vereniging van Eigenaars Stadsdeelcomplex Leidschenveen Ypenburg [52.05455359, 4.389753519]
Woningen ENECO [52.05287716, 4.277697965]
Woningen Spoorwijk fase III [52.05280579, 4.311671832]
Woningen Transvaalbuurt [52.06378274, 4.290407258]
Woningen en appartementen Remu Project [52.05488239, 4.309726413]
kantoren,-winkel,-Bioscoopcomplex Spuimark [52.07671858, 4.313941611]
stadsdeel de Resident + Ministerie van VROM [52.08022818, 4.319328346]


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