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    Journal Article
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    Sayre, Roger and Noble, Suzanne and Hamann, Sharon and Smith, Rebecca and Wright, Dawn and Breyer, Sean and Butler, Kevin and Graafeiland, Keith Van and Frye, Charlie and Karagulle, Deniz and Hopkins, Dabney and Stephens, Drew and Kelly, Kevin and Basher, Zeenatul and Burton, Devon and Cress, Jill and Atkins, Karina and Sistine, D. Paco Van and Friesen, Beverly and Allee, Rebecca and Allen, Tom and Aniello, Peter and Asaad, Irawan and Costello, Mark John and Goodin, Kathy and Harris, Peter and Kavanaugh, Maria and Lillis, Helen and Manca, Eleonora and Muller-Karger, Frank and Nyberg, Bjorn and Parsons, Rost and Saarinen, Justin and Steiner, Jac and Reed, Adam
  • Tags
    Global Island STAN Water
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    APA BibTeX RIS
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A new 30 meter resolution global shoreline vector and associated global islands database for the development of standardized ecological coastal units

A new 30-m spatial resolution global shoreline vector (GSV) was developed from annual composites of 2014 Landsat satellite imagery. The semi-automated classification of the imagery was accomplished by manual selection of training points representing water and non-water classes along the entire global coastline. Polygon topology was applied to the GSV, resulting in a new characterisation of the number and size of global islands. Three size classes of islands were mapped: continental mainlands (5), islands greater than 1 km2 (21,818), and islands smaller than 1 km2 (318,868). The GSV represents the shore zone land and water interface boundary, and is a spatially explicit ecological domain separator between terrestrial and marine environments. The development and characteristics of the GSV are presented herein. An approach is also proposed for delineating standardised, high spatial resolution global ecological coastal units (ECUs). For this coastal ecosystem mapping effort, the GSV will be used to separate the nearshore coastal waters from the onshore coastal lands. The work to produce the GSV and the ECUs is commissioned by the Group on Earth Observations (GEO), and is associated with several GEO initiatives including GEO Ecosystems, GEO Marine Biodiversity Observation Network (MBON) and GEO Blue Planet.

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