
Visualizing spatial aspects of urban transport equity

Transportation is an integral part of society and the economy, providing people with access to jobs and opportunities, moving goods that are needed. Within cities, it is important to ensure that mobility options are available to all members of society, which is an important part of achieving sustainable urban transport. Transport equity studies tend to focus on the equal distribution of accessibility. This can include access to a private car, access to safe and affordable public transport, or access to cycling facilities that permit the use of this active and healthier transport mode. The goal of this study is to profile the spatial elements of equity in multimodal urban transport, and to visualize this for the case of Singapore. The study will use open datasets and profile the following for different neighborhoods: (i) access to amenities, which considers the ease of reaching key activities and opportunities; (ii) public transport accessibility; (iii) travel time disparity between car and public transport; (iv) transportation facilities dedicated to different transport modes; and (v) cycle-friendliness or “bikeability”. The study is intended to highlight geographic disparities and support equity considerations in transport infrastructure planning.

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