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4.12. Flows: Energy - Geneva

Metabolism of Cities Data Hub
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Hi Paul,
when I processed the first files, even if I know that we are looking for mass information, I let the original unit of measure given by the statistical offices. Once the file are processed and uploaded in the platform, I realised that the different data are presented together and not sorted by unit. This cause a problem when, for example, you have on the same table data on energy consumption (in TJ or MWh) and CO2 emissions (in tons), because the number quantifying the emissions is much larger than the number quantifying energetic input making it almost irrelevant. Here you can see some examples in "Bilan des livraison d'énergie aux consommateurs finals.." or "Consommation de carburant à l'Aéroport...".
Then, if I want to transform energetic data in mass, they become really small and too close to zero. So, I was wondering what would you recommend me to do. I was thinking to split the excel table in two (for example one with energy consumption data, and the other with the related emissions data), but then I can upload just one processed file related to a registred document in the platform...
And.. which unit of measure is it better to use to quantify energy?

Thanks a lot!


Hi again,
Sorry, just wanted to add a small thing I have noticed. When you visualise the table created between the different charts for the processed data, you see "the amount of the flow" related to a year and a place, but not the segment which provide information for the actual reason of this flow. I think this is a pity because then, you have many data, for example, on natural gas consumption in 2018 but you don't know linked to what.

Have a nice day! :-)

Hi Nicole,

Good questions. Hereby some answers:

  • You can keep energy flows in their original unit. For material flows, we'd like this in mass, but for energy flows we can use the energy units. You can use TJ or MWH etc. If your document uses a particular unit we don't have in our list yet, give me a shout and I'll add it.
  • This file indeed seems to cover two very different flows (one is energy use, other is CO2 emissions). In this case, it is best to split it. Rename this one so it's ONLY about one topic (say energy use) and then upload another document which is about the other topic (CO2 emissions). In the description, make it clear that they are linked to each other.
  • We should indeed display the segments. Please restructure these files as suggested and let me know once it's in place, and I will have a look.

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