Data contribution hub


Layer 1: Context

1.4. Population

Demographic data including at a minimum population figures for the entire city for the past 5 years. Also look for data on population forecasts. Ideally demographic data is available at a more finegrained level as well: broken down by age group, gender, and most importantly population numbers for each local subdivision.


Title Type Author(s) Year
Anuario de Población y Estadísticas Vitales Report Dirección General de Estadística-Rosario. Add image

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Discussion and questions

Paul, I believe that I upload the file (pdf) in Dataset, Do I have to do that in Report(?). In general I found very scattered information from this city. I will try to fill in the blanks with basic info, then I will try to find more specific and accurate info.

Hi Ramiro,

I saw the document you uploaded. This particular item is a Report, because it's presented as a large PDF file, in report form. I have changed the setting so now it's listed as such.

Good luck with the data search, you certainly pick challenging cities!! ;-)

Thanks Paul!

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